Ledar Transport
Trucking company holds three weeks pay when you leave your screwedfor your pay! Rip-off

Cars & Transport

I was hired in as a 17 year journeyman mechanic and after one week i found out that the owners were dirtbags. I was injured in a car accident so i worked in the shop office. Vendors were calling all the time wanting they're money for services. They had even been promised by the owners that the check was mailed. So i was nervous about the company. I found new employment a month later and left. The company holds three weeks worth of wages and when i left i had 82 hours of earnings coming to me and recieved a check for $161.00. My hired in rate of pay was $16.00 an hour. So now i have to go to small claims court to recieve what is owed to me. After leaving other mechanics told me that there paychecks bounced like a rubber ball. If you want to invest time in a company do not choose these people.

Company: Ledar Transport
Country: USA
State: Missouri
Address: PO BOX 520432
Phone: 8004977572
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Ledar Transport Trucking Co
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