Nightmare with drivetime. You think freddy's bad. Totally irate, disgusted by the customer service and lies, and the deadly cars they put you in

Cars & Transport

I am writing regarding a 2002 Ford Windstar (pos) that we were sold by drivetime on 9/23/06. Where do I begin? I guess with the test drive i test drove it after my mom and noticed a squealing but was told by our salesman that "everything was covered if it broke except the little knobs on the air conditioner/heat controls". Besides the fact that my mother was given only one choice of a van to get into and at the time our family was desperate and the salesman knew it but all he saw the commission in front of his smug little face. We picked the van up the next day or so it smelled like dog and was very, very poorly cleaned where you could see dog hair's on the seats.
Within the first 10 days i was on the phone with them because my 11 yr old son at the time almost fell out of the vehicle on a major road (s.R. 40 in lynne, florida) while i was bringing my boys to school luckily he had his belt on. Come to find out the door didn't lock or i should latch correctly plus we had found a problem with the brake system. You had to open the door again lock up and down then try to shut it and see if it would stay anyway i called them. After fighting with the same salesman who sold it to us, we finally managed for them to have it "fixed" at one of their local repairman in ocala they work with. We dropped off the van in the morning (be it that we weren't offered a rental just for the day) had to find a ride back which is only about 30 miles each way. My mother had to miss her cancer doctor's appt We got back and their repairman came out, he was also supposed to fix the squeal. Only to find that he didn't repair the passenger door he "fixed" the passenger side sliding door which wasn't broke. I've asked this question a million times and noone can seem to answer especially drivetime if it wasn't broke what exactly did he fix? Some repairman plus to boot he charged them close to 700.00 or so and refused to take it back in to fix the proper door. DANGEROUS? I think so but we learned to adjust and be very careful. Okay now to get on with their "quality customer service". We found the heat didn't work so in winter at 35 degree weather, I'm having to drive in the car with my kids bundled with blankets who has to do that? The van would start would start getting hot and you'd hear knocking. Then the same door he was to fix later on you'd try and open it from the outside and it would set off the panic alarm. Nice van huh? There was no power in my lighter outlet for power to anything. I would call them and their service dept. Constantly have to fight and get the run around and they'll contact me back. So problems got old. I got tired of fighting and they still refused to fix it. So finally i called spoke once again with someone in service and was told to write a letter so on 1-19-07 i wrote a seven page letter now what this is all happening within just 5 months time. We chalked it up and were dealing with it at least it got us from point a to b (in short of driving the flintstone mobile) and we're still making payments on time. This year everything has gone bad as it has for pretty much everyone i would think thanks to our economy but anyway refuse to fix it but please donot under any circumstances. Our house was going to get repoed, our lights turned off, we were going to have no phone or anything we just didn't have the money, we tried to call drive time to make arrangements and no man can't work and won't work with you is what we heard. I'm on the phone begging and pleading but noone these days has anytype of heart any just week or so goes by and i hear our dogs barking. I look outside and see a tow truck but they couldn't get the van because my husband the evening before after had just parked behind it so the towman (drivetime's towman) have the audasity to go to aunt's house and tell them to get hold of my mom who was and has been pretty sick and were going to charge her with grand theft auto. I mean really come on. After 2 yrs. Of paying on time on a ford pos windstar that they wouldn't fix and my son almost fell out and died of (i've told them this and all i've gotten is yeah but he didn't did he? Excuse me?!) drivetime says their supposed to help rebuild your credit well our nightmare with drivetime is my mom is being charged with a debt owed to drivetime how's that for rebuilding credit and a quality vehicle? Please do not go for approval i would love to know if i can any legal action or my mom could seeing as it was in my dad's name and they've ruined them after almost killing my son. Nice ha and unlike the movie we can't wake up from it.

ocklawaha, Florida

Company: Drivetime
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Leesburg
Address: 9020 Us Hwy 441
Phone: 3527283555
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They sold me a vehicle that fell apart

Poor service

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Preys on Clients with Less Than Perfect Credit Ocala Florida

Drivetime is screwing me

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Deceptive and unfair business practices

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Don't do Business with this company

Drivetime - Ugly Duckling
Drivetime Aka Ugly Duckling RIPPED OFF BY DRIVETIME