Charged me for a product I did not orde

Cars & Transport

This company sent me a product I did not order and told them I did not want. And they sent it anyway. Now they want me to pay them as they billed my credit card.

Company: DRI*UltraGreen
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
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Didn't orde

Ultra Green Products
Unauthorized billing

Unauthorized charge

Acaciaslim - Fit Factory - acainoniburnercom - acai-slim.com - fit-fac.com
Acaciaslim - Fit Factory - acainoniburner.com - acai-slim.com - fit-fac.com Charged for product not received and/or returned Riverton Utah

MBM&F Ultra Green
A Very Expensive "Free" Trial

Ultragreen lean
Unauthorized Charges

Used my cridit card to bill me for a product i did not orde

Berkley Premium Nutraceuticals - Avlimil
Ripoff, dishonest fraudulent billing to my credit card, will not refund my money even with return of product

Ultra Green Products, LLC
Ultra Green Products AciaBurn Ripoff Weightloss