Manager says company treated customers bad and employees worse

Cars & Transport

As a former Goodyear manager, that was employed almost 15 years, I can tell you if you think they treated customers bad, you should know they treat there employees worse. I saw so many quality people leave due to poor management and terrible decision making. I could write a book on all the horrible injustices to employees and customers. I left in sheer frustration and have never and would never go back for any reason in any capacity.

I recomend my associates and friends to a local Firestone store now. That is my way of getting even. Hit them where it hurts. Have you seen there stock plunge lately? Now I see Gemini by Goodyear. Another twist of names but still the same SOS. I regret staying as long as I did, however at one time early in my career, Goodyear was a dynamite company. Very focused, very customer/employee oriented.

Once Stan Gault CEO retired, the company has spun out of control with inept people with alot of lip service. I saw more injustices in the last several years that will burn in my memory forever. Quality people kicked out or forced out due to politics or cost cutting. I was very succesful for years with them winning many awards, and incentive trips, however, I saw the tide turning and as you can see the stock prices reflect the true nature of there situation. Just tires was one of two concepts they toyed with early on and in some cities the concept failed miserably. You cannot paint the walls green from Goodyear blue, and employ the same people, practice the same techiques, and expect different results.

I used to be proud to work there, but now it is embarressing to see what they have become. You can purchase Goodyear made Sears branded tires so much cheaper in a sears location with better warranties etc. Sears and Goodyear deserve each other. I could ramble on forever about many topics Goodyear would be ashamed of, but it just gets me upset. Let them come to terms with there own demise.

With competition as strong as it is today, they would probabley love to be bought out. They always said they needed the company owned stores to control distribution, but they distribute to anyone and everyone at lower prices. At one time Roger Penske wanted to buy the stores, but they could not come to terms. So Roger buys the K Mart auto centers and Goodyear makes a deal to assist his people in developing them into profit centers. To date they have failed miserably. I understand Penske even removed Penske Jr from operating them. They are losing a bundle of money, but look who the teacher is.

My advice is to not buy Goodyear, Lee, Dunlop, Just Tires, or Gemini.

Company: Goodyear
Country: USA
State: Florida
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