C.R. England
C. R England what a joke

Cars & Transport

I know that there are lots of stories of this place, well mine I believe is one that I feel needs to be looked at by a lawyer unfortunatly i dont have the funds to do this but here it goes. I went to C.R. England with the hopes of making some good money doing something that I love to do, Drive. I had a good time starting off in my career but about my 3rd month things took a dive for the worst. My dispatcher would start giving me loads that I could not complete on purpose and when I would let him know that my log book would not allow me to do this he would say that I was making excuses, so me being a dummy I did them anyway getting log violations through the company mind you never by DOT till this day my record is clean. So on one trip from South Carolina to City of Industry I told my dispatcher I need to go to the doctor when I made it half way through the trip in Texas I let him know I was having sever chest pains so bad to where I had to pull off the road for about 2hours or so I honestly could not tell you how I stopped the truck cause I feel I backed out for about 1minute or so.

So anyway my dispatcher asked me if I could finish the trip out I agreed that I could and when I got to CA to get me a load lined up to head home to see my doctor he said ok I will. I get there he has me sitting in the Mira Lome Yard for two days not answering his phone or even responding to the qualcomm. So on the third day he sends me a load going to Montana. I let him know I could not do it not only due to my health that was getting worse by the minute but I was bumping against my hours. So his response to me was why didnt you tell me you were sick why do u do this at the last minute then said I dont think this job is for u why dont you leave the truck in the yard and Ill have someone come get it and you quit and go home. Now I have lost my house my kid my wife most of my family in false pretenses that I was going to make so much money with them. Then to kick it off worse when I applied to another company they told me that I have a great driving record but C.R. England put on my DAC that I was Discharged for a Unsafe movement of my vehicle mind you I Never had a accident nor any tickets they not only screwed me out of my lively hood they took my chances of ever getting back in a truck again I am now Homeless my kid and wife live in a shelter and I am in the gutter so far that there is no light I can see.

I hope that anyone with advice legal or non legel can help me get a job and get my life I feel I was done unjust and I would take it futher than this little paper but like i said I have nothing to go on beaware thanks.

Company: C.R. England
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 4701 West 2100 South
Phone: 8008971801
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C.R. England
C.R. Ruined my career!

CR England
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C.R. England
Terminated without just cause