Budget Car & Truck Rental - Beacon Gas - AllCare Packing Supplies
Lied to, ignored, Bank Account decimated with NO communication in any way shape, manner or form!

Cars & Transport

LIES, Breakdowns, slippery ramp, broken Furniture Dolley.

Made reservations on Internet with Budget Truck Rental. Was given local representative. Called Allcare Packing Supplies and was told that our 2 cars were too old, ergo "too valuable" to use Car Haulers! Made arrangements to have cars transported, to the tune of $1,000.00!

When we arrived at the local site, NO paperwork was done! Our American Express was tapped into for $250.00! Arrived at 3:30 PM, the employee that did the truck rentals was gone for the week-end! After much fumbling were finished at 7:45PM. Rental time started from 3:45PM!

Allowed another patron to go ahead of us only to discover he was renting a truck with a car hauler to transport a "Completely refurbished 1961 Jaguar XKE"!! And OURS were too valuable?

I was lied to by the local site! 2 Car haulers rented for $110.00, VS $1,000 the LIE cost us!

Breakdowns: In transit to site of loading, one truck's brakes failed! Too late to get another that day, spent 4 hours on phone the next day to get another delivered at 4:30 PM! But rental time was ticking for that truck also!

It took 26.5 hours of DRIVING time to travel 524 miles! Another one of the trucks could go less than 45mph! Consequently, had motel expenses for everyone!

I was stuck on the North side of the Grapevine and a CHP officer looked at the yellow lights all over the dash and graciously volunteered his OWN cell phone for me to contact the rest of the party, now 68 miles ahead of us!
The truck with NO AC running could do only 2MPH, holding up the slowest of the semi trucks on I-5!

The temperature was 116 degrees that day! Me with 2 dogs in the truck!

Turned the trucks in at the address printed out on the Internet Reservation!
5:25PM. Tried to call ALL the phone numbers but Budget was shut down for the day. Left the trucks, keys clipped together were dropped into the mail slot!

That was Friday, on the following Monday, started the fun part! Called the Customer Service Number to find out 2 trucks were found in Colton, CA and the other was missing!

I was on the phone almost daily, 16 pages of documentation, names dates, contacts to the Customer Service! Was told by one Customer Service Rep and her Supervisor that we had one day of rental plus our deposit to be refunded to us. BUT until the missing truck was found, could not close out the account!

THEN: notified by our bank that we were overdrawn and had many bounced checks. Budget had dipped into our Bank Account for an additional $1,117.20!

Filed as fraudulent charges had the Bank reverse the charges! Bank called back that Budget had accounted for the additional charges so they had to reverse the charges back onto us!

I asked our bank for a copy of their claim and was told that it was not allowable!

To THIS day, we have had NO contact from Budget, as far as we know the missing truck has never been found!

Return calls to us were never received, we have NOTHING from Budget, but once they have your account number they feel free to dip into your accounts at will with NO statements due. ZERO ZIP!

Our Attorney sent a letter to Allcare Packing Supplies and the owner with a subsequent phone conversation said "It will be a cold day in Hell before I will pay you anything!"

The BBB has no power to make Budget pay, the CA Consumer Affairs says that it is a civil matter!

Oh, and by the way, Budget Corporate Office has NO phone number! Yup! Was given an address but was told they have NO phone number!

They have cost us $4,000.00 in addition to the original rental payment of $2,323.99!!

That is more than our monthly income X 2 as retired people!

HOW can a Corporation to that to private people?

Fran & Ed
Lucerne Valley, California

Company: Budget Car & Truck Rental - Beacon Gas - AllCare Packing Supplies
Country: USA
State: California
City: Auburn
Address: 13190 Lincoln Way
Phone: 5308889649
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