JB Hunt - DAC Report
Ripoff JB Hunt is unfair and unethical

Cars & Transport


Briefly, I am writing because I am facing a challenging conflict and rather serious dilemma, which has to do with JB Hunt as well as the DAC system that was created by the lack of a better word, one sided truck companies. Actually, the situation happened in May of but before I detail the problem I want to inform that I am a fairly new truck driver, just a little over a year. I reside in Queens, NY and began my trucking career with Werner Enterprise (WE). The year at WE was at best good and I have no major complaints against them, except that it was really hard to make any kind of substantial money. After the year with WE I decided to look for a company closer to my hometown of NYC and one that offered a dedicated route.

Initially, I signed on with a small independent company, but that did not last long due to their unscrupulous work ethics. After that, I decided to take a position in NY with, JB Huntthey were bigger and offered me a good deal (be careful what you ask for!). At this point, I was still a fairly new truck driver and also nave on what it really takes to drive in such a complex and challenging town as NYC, hence to make a long story short, I had two accidents in one month. Both accidents in my opinion were minor since no external property was damaged; just a scratch on the top of my truck and no one was hurt.in addition, law enforcement was contacted, but they concluded the incidents were so minor, no report needed to be completed and I was not even issued summonses.

Nevertheless, the incidents did leave me somewhat shaken but I thought quitting was not the appropriate action and continued to try and persevere at JB Hunt. Then two weeks later, they requested I take my truck to get some maintenance in NJ and much to my surprise, I was terminated at the maintenance center, which was literally miles away from my home in NYC with all my personal belongings (i.E. TV, sleeping bag, food). I did try to ask why and how was I going to get home from NJ with all my belongings? However, JB Hunt the once responsive and reliable company turned a blind eye and left me to ponder that and many other questions (i.E. DAC) on my own. At this point, I wanted to get as far from JB Hunt and NJ as possible to regroup myself both mentally and emotionally, so with the help of a friend, I arrived back home safe and sound.

So, I realized that a small company with poor work ethics and driving for JB Hunt in such a challenging environment like NYC was simply not for me. I then decided to go back on the road (OTR) to regain some strong experience and my confidence making this decision gave me a sense of piece and fulfillment.in addition, during this time I studied and received all three of my endorsement (i.E. Hazmat, Tankers and Doubles), which further helped me to regain some confidence. Unfortunately, this euphoric mood was short lived when I tried to get an OTR position once more. Basically, I applied for a company (nameless) and was informed that due to my background check given to them by the DAC report; it showed that JB Hunt reported two preventable accidents, so I was not qualified for the position. At this instant, I asked, what is a DAC report?

After some research on the internet, being turned down for employment and now facing a major financial situation, is when I finally woke up to the realization of the power of the not only JB Hunt, but all major trucking companies that utilize a DAC system. Consequently, I contacted JB Hunt via telephone for further clarification and spoke to a security department representative, in order, to plead with them to at least delete the second accident from the DAC report.

During this telephone conversation I informed the representative that the accidents were not entirely my fault because both times I was simply following driving directions given to me by first the customer then by them (JB Hunt). But their response, although cordial in its delivery was a resounding no.instead the representative stated, Maybe you need to look for another career. After my quick initial discomfort, I responded that I have spent a lot of time and money on my CDL license and figuratively speaking, I wished them a good life, which was short lived, when JB Hunt a few weeks later actually denied my employment claim due to my misconduct.

Overall, I truly believe everything happens for a purpose then out of that experience (if ones fortunate) one can humanly grow therefore I am in no way trying to justify or not take responsibility for my two minor accidents.instead, in my humble opinion, I have realized that the DAC system does not favor the individuals who spent a lot of money on a CDL license, does not favor the individuals that are out on the tough roads in our country, does not favor the individuals that sacrifice family time and does not favor the individuals that are putting the sweat and tears doing the hard manual labor, instead the DAC system does favor the trucking companies like JB Hunt.

So, the moral of the story is: THINK BEFORE TAKING ON A JOB WITH JB HUNT!


Company: JB Hunt - DAC Report
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Lowell
Address: PO Box 130
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