Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove, SAAB Downers Grove
The whole 3 year nightmare

Cars & Transport

1. Bait & Switch Where I came to look at 1 vehicle was switched to another that was supposedly a better deal only to discover it was not, and had some problems.

On or about 4-12-04 I searched the web for cars and visited Luxury Motors in Downers Grove with my grandson to look at one I was interested in and other available cars. I found a car I liked online a 2000 Jaguar S Type silver with a black interior and went to look at it and offer to trade my current car for it if I liked it.

I was steered to a different Jaguar S-Type, also silver and black, that I was told was a better car. I was told the car was specifically located for a buyer who decided not to purchase it, and since it had lower miles and they had been sitting with it for a while they would consider it a favor if I considered it and would make me a good deal on it. The asking price was greater than the car I came to see, and greater than what they offered for my trade.

After a brief test drive they convinced me to purchase it. Since the price was greater than they offered on my trade, I also traded a second vehicle and took delivery. The car was represented as one owner, it was late model & low miles and it appeared in good condition.

After my purchase I did some research and discovered I had paid $3,000 over current retail for the vehicle with the given miles assuming excellent condition. I also discovered I was given a combined $1,500 under trade in value for my 2 trades (99 Corvette Convertible assuming actual miles and good condition & a 97 Grand Caravan assuming actual miles and fair condition). Considering I believed I bought a low mile car in good condition I dismissed those facts as a lesson learned, & cost of doing business and was not overly concerned.

2. Hiding Damage On the way home I discovered (too late) the sun roof was essentially unusable since every time it was opened masses of a tar like substance covered the glass and took hours to remove.

On the drive home I discovered a problem with the sun roof leaking which was fixed or masked with a tar like substance that covered the glass if the sun roof was opened rendering it unusable. They disavowed any knowledge of it and refused to take responsibility for it. Over a brief period of time 3 of the 4 power windows failed and needed to be repaired. (1 at a time)

3. Misrepresented title condition I discovered in trying to rid myself of the problem by trading it that I was not the 2nd owner as represented, but the 4th. I also had 2 different dealers refuse to even consider accepting a trade based on where I bought it.

After the bait and switch and discovery of masked and hidden defects I drove the car with an inoperable sunroof for a while, had to put a new set of tire on it which was strange as the car had under 20,000 miles on it when purchased and around 28,000 when I need new tires.

I decided maybe it was time to cut my losses and trade into a new car.

At a different dealer, while looking at new cars, I subsequently learned I was the 4th owner of the vehicle, not the 2nd owner as was represented, they advised me to sell the car privately rather than trade it due to the title history. They told me to make sure I had an original title, and not a duplicate title, as they warned me that their opinion was Luxury Motors had a reputation for questionable title paperwork.

My mistake for not checking the car fax report before I bought.

I decided to continue driving the car after having spent the money for the window repairs and a new set of tires and the dealers I spoke to were not interest in taking my trade based on it's title history and/or where it was purchased.

Later, when I decided it was time to possibly consider changing cars again, I thought if I went back where I bought it I might have the best chance of getting it accepted as a trade and a reasonable deal on the trade. I was hoping to make up some of the previous overcharge and challenges.

That turned out to be a bigger mistake that going there in the first place.

4. A close call In a later subsequent visit to Luxury Motors to get a feel for what they had available and see if they would entertain taking the car in trade I found it took everything I had to get out of there without signing papers for a car I test drove, it took forever to get the keys to my car back after they took them to appraise it, but after a 5 minute test drive and 3 to 4 hours of resisting their tactics and waiting for my keys, I narrowly escaped. I should have moved to another state.

On or about 5-27-06 I visited Luxury Motors in Downers Grove to look at available cars and get a feel for pricing. At that time I was anticipating a closing on a transaction and expecting sizable revenue from it. I test drove a 2004 Mercedes SL500 and although the sales people attempted to pressure me into a sale, I left the store fully intending to wait for the closing and purchase a car at the time I had available funds to do so.

At the time I was anticipating a closing I was waiting for to take place around the end of June.

My trade was looked at, I was quoted a price (low) on it, and it was not easy getting out of there without signing anything. It was everything I could do to get out of there without signing any papers and buying something I could not yet afford. It was a close call, indeed. It took forever to get the key to my car back, but once I got them back I left out of there very quickly.

This visit was worse than my previous visit and I left wondering if the best thing to do was just to keep the Jag, wait for my transaction to close and worry about buying another car at that time.

Once I got home that is in fact what I resolved to do, releived that I had dodged the bullet on that close call.

Little did I know what that had in store fore me next...

5. The Hook that sets the trap I get a follow up call from the manager of another Luxury Motors store and find out it was the salesman who sold me the car I was having problems with. He invites me to stop by to see if there is anything he can do to help make things right. They end up anything but right.

On 5-29-06 I received a call from Tony Preston at Saab Downers Grove (one of the Luxury Motors Stores), who identified himself as the manager, and asked if there was anything he could do to sell me the car I had looked at.

I recognized the name as the salesperson who had sold me the Jaguar.

I reminded him at the time that he was the salesman that sold me my previous car (the Jaguar) and stated that I was waiting for a closing to have the funds to buy.

He asked me to stop by to say HI and he would see if there was anything he could do to help me out on the pricing for when I was ready as an existing customer. I told him I would be in the area 6-1-06.

At that point I thought I had lucked out, if the original salesman was still employed, he would certainly recall the fact that he said buying the car I did would be doing them a favor and since they didn't disclose and couldn't resolve the other issues, maybe there was a way to make thing right after all. I finally saw an end in site to the problems I had faced with the Jaguar, little did I know that I was walking into a trap and was about to be ambushed...

6. The Trick and the Trap With the hook set, several days later I stop by the other Luxury Motors store hoping to start to get thing made right, only to be tricked into trading 1 problem for another problem against my original intentions, and to make matters worse, get put into a very bad trap.

On 6-1-06, as requested, I stopped by Saab Downers Grove and spoke to Tony Preston. At that time I again addressed some of my concerns with the Jaguar I had previously purchased. I also expressed I felt I was being shorted on the offer for my trade. He said he could get me a few more dollars from my trade and a slightly better price on the car and make things right.

He told me he had the car I test drove moved to his store and had it ready for me. I told him to hold on, I wasn't ready, I needed to wait for my transaction to close.

He offered to take my car in trade, let me drive the new car, and pay the balance when the transaction closed. I told him I did not want to do that as I could be patient and wait for my deal to close.

After more discussion he virtually insisted, and when I told him that makes me nervous in case the transaction does not close on time, or does not close, he told me not to worry, he said he understood, and besides he said, we know where you live.

He excused himself for a couple of minutes and his absence I had resolved to wait for my deal to close and was thinking it makes more sense to keep the Jag since it's paid for, and I was being offered less than half what I paid for it just 2 years ago.

When he returned he said I talked to Joe, (Joe Abbas, the owner) he remembers you, and says it's no problem to take the car and pay the balance when your deal closes.

I remember at first being surprised that the owner would remember me from meeting me briefly 2 years before, but considering my experience with the car and the fact I was told when I bought it that they would consider it a big favor, I shrugged it off and didn't give any further thought.

I told him again I could be patient and didn't want to do that. Also the more I though about it the more it made sense to keep the Jag, and when my deal closed buy the car I test drove or another of my choosing.

During the ensuing discussions I voiced my uncertainty on the vehicle, which was spun into how certain are you your deal will close? At the time I was fairly certain and would have bet big money (but not my life) on the deal closing. It was a real estate deal with contract signed, financing almost ready for commitment, and a qualified buyer who really wanted it and wanted it bad.

After a great deal of additional back and forth I was told it's a nice day, we have time before you close your deal for the details, take the car, - you know you want it.

It was a nice day, and a nice car, and although it was the first one I had seen or test drove, I thought OK, if they were willing to wait to finalize, there wouldn't be any harm in driving it a few days. At that time, with some misgivings, I was taken to the business office and asked to sign some papers for the car. The arrangements were I was to leave my car and pay the balance when my transaction closed.

When the paperwork was presented I informed them it was not correct as it was not completed in the manner in which I wanted to take title, as title would be in trust and the trustee would need to sign. I noticed it showed a trade, which I told then I was unsure about. I was told it was OK because it was just interim paperwork and the final paperwork for the trustee would be done at the time I brought in the balance. I was asked if I wanted to finance in the interim, I declined stating that if I could not pay for the car without financing I did not want it. I was told the paperwork was needed to show there was a balance due.

They asked again about financing the balance for the interim, I flat out refused and reiterated that if I could not pay for the car without their financing I did not want it. I suggested maybe it was best if we just wait until the deal closed and do things right at that time.

I was left alone for a couple of minutes and when the person doing the paperwork came back he said it was fine without their financing and we could wrap things up properly when my deal closed.

I thought leaving the car would be OK, and it would solve a short term garage space problem. If we were redoing paperwork for the trustee to sign I figured I had a few days to figure things out. I was not comfortable with the arrangements, and expressed this, but proceeded on good faith in what has turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

I was offered $300 more for my trade than I was initially offered, however, the price of the car was raised $2,505. Considering that it was interim paperwork, I was expecting a sizable fee, and the fact that they were waiting for balance of payment, I reluctantly agreed.

The interim paperwork was done, my car was left and I was given the new (used) car to drive.

The more I thought about it the more I thought trading the car would not be such a bad idea as it gets me out of a bad deal, costs me some money, but considering what I was about to earn on my real estate deal being done with the problem with the Jag was more important than the money I would lose.

Little did I know that they had just set the hook and I was about to be yanked around so hard it would make my head spin.

Without realizing it I was just tricked into a - lose - lose situation.

7. Murphy's Law What ever can go wrong, will go wrong! Problems with another Luxury Motors car, a transaction is delayed, more snow and stall from Luxury Motors people where I don't see the trap they set that I walked into, and didn't notice the noose being put around my neck.

Murphy's Law says: What ever can go wrong, will go wrong. It is especially appropriate for dealings with Luxury Motors.

After my purchase I did some research at and discovered I had paid $3,500 over current retail for the vehicle and was given $700 under trade in value for the trade. Considering I bought what appeared to be a low mile car in good condition, and was given time to pay the balance I dismissed those facts as another lesson learned, & cost of doing business, I also figured we had time to sort it all out.

The next day in driving the car I noticed the electrical system was malfunctioning causing the displays to reset on a random basis and not change when the proper buttons were pressed. I thought oh no, here we go again.

After driving the car for a couple of days I called Tony Preston voicing the concerns with the car. When I informed Tony Preston of the concerns I was told the car was still under factory warranty and not to worry we'll take care of it.

I also informed him of other concerns and stated I would rather switch to either a different model or the same model with different options, he said we have plenty of cars, we'll get it all sorted out later when you bring in the balance.

Around 2 weeks after taking the car home I learned the transaction I was anticipating would be delayed. I notified Tony Preston and was told not to worry about it.

With Murphy's Law kicking in little did I know that the trap was springing and the noose was starting to tighten around my neck.

8. The trap snaps shut As my ability to finance the vehicle moved farther away they tighten the noose.

As Murphy's Law continued to kick in, the trap was springing shut, and the noose was starting to tighten around my neck.

Remember: around 2 weeks after taking the car home I learned the transaction I was anticipating would be delayed. I notified Tony Preston and was told not to worry about it.

It is important to understand that if I was told or even thought it was a permanent arrangement I never in a million years would have signed anything or taken the Mercedes off the lot. Even though at that time I had a very high confidence level in my deal closing, but there were still 2 things that would have prevented me from entering into any permanent arrangements, namely;

1. The ONLY way I would take title to such an expensive vehicle is in trust, for that to happen the trustee would need to sign all the papers. I was told that could be done when the deal closed and the balance was available.
2. I know there are only 2 truths about commercial real estate deals, which are:

1. The deal's not done until it's done. And,
2. Sometimes you are never farther away from a deal that you are when you are the closing table.

With my transaction being delayed, which is irritating, but normal, and being told not to worry about it, I didn't feel the noose tightening, and didn't realize I just got the kiss, before you get screwed.

Around 2 weeks later I again learned the transaction I would be delayed some more. I notified Tony Preston and was told not to worry about it again.

I suggested we set this deal aside, do something different, and look at it again when my deal closed. I was again told not to worry, we'll work it out. Which in hindsight, I should have seen as the self serving stall that it was.

During this period I was extremely busy trying to get the deal I was working on to finalize. I was also doing some consulting work for an old client who needed some assistance while trying to line things up for the future in preparation for eliminating commercial real estate transactions from my services as the market was getting far too finicky and unpredictable.

In the interim I learned of yet another delay with the transaction I was working on and I again notified Tony Preston, and was again told not to worry about it. I again suggested we set this deal aside, do something different, and look at it again when my deal closed. I was again told not to worry, we'll work it out.

In September of 06 I stopped driving the vehicle as the plates were expiring and without the proper paperwork I could not get them transferred to the new vehicle. Since my trade was sold I could not renew them either. I was also getting very nervous on my deal and did not want to put extra miles on a car I had to return.

The transaction I was waiting on was changed, and although it ultimately closed in September of 06, it was at a reduced price and with the brother of the original purchaser who used my package to obtain financing elsewhere. With the price, lender, and the purchaser of the transaction changed, it had taken me out of the deal and provided no revenue to me.

When I informed Tony Preston of this I told him yet again we should do something different. I told him without that deal I could not afford the car.

He asked if I had an alternate source of funds and I told him I did not. When he probed further I told him I had a possibility of some funds in the future which might enable me to purchase the car some time down the road. I was told my trade was sold but not to worry, we'll work it out.

I suggested we trade for a used vehicle on par with the value of my trade and bring this to a head. Again I was told not to worry, we'll work it out. Which again, in hindsight, I should have seen as the self serving stall that it was.

While waiting for Tony to work it out I was sitting with an un-drivable car taking up space in my garage and without my trade, was essentially without transportation.

In late October of 06 I was called by a person (Brian I believe) from the dealer group and asked to bring the car back until things could be worked out. I was told to see Kam, and told I would be given another car to drive in the interim. Since the car was just sitting in my garage and not drivable without valid plates I gladly brought it back.

I brought the car back, saw Kam, and was given an older (90's) high mile used car to drive.

I asked them to make sure they took the Mercedes in to be fixed as whomever they may sell it to would want it fixed.

I was called 2 days later and told they had sold the car I was driving and asked to bring it back and told they would exchange it for another used car.

I brought the car back and was given another used car to drive.

I was called a week or so later and told they had sold the car I was driving and asked to bring it back and told they would exchange it for another.

I brought the car back and was given yet another used car to drive.

During the entire process, I was not totally passive waiting for them to make the next move but found myself getting sucked deeper into their time game trap where their victims are forced to give in, or give up as the alternative is to have so much time sucked out of your life that dealing with a car becomes your life's work. I would call and after sitting on hold for 5,10, 15, or 20 minutes give up the attempt as futile.

This happened more times than I can count or recall. I would call, eventually get through, start a discussion to get interrupted with let me call you back, and the call back would never come. This happened more times than I can count or recall. I would call, be told the party was not available, leave a message requesting a return call, which rarely ever came. This happened more times than I can count or recall. I would call, start a discussion, be told to come in so we could see what could be worked out, only to show up and leave after waiting and not being seen. This happened 3 or 4 times.

During this period I was extremely busy trying to replace the deal I lost, or at least the income from it, I was frequently called upon by the person who was to be the original purchaser to assist and answer questions for his brother. I was also still doing some consulting work for an old client who needed some assistance while trying to line things up for the future in preparation for eliminating commercial real estate transactions from my services.

I was called several weeks later and told they had sold the car I was driving and asked to bring it back and told they could not exchange it for another, but that something would be worked out.

I brought the car back, was told I would receive a call, and was driven home by a porter.

I was glad to not be driving one of their used cars and thought we might finally get this resolved and be done with it. Boy, was I wrong!

9. A possible solution I have looked for and suggested win-win solutions to a bad situation and all I get in return is stalled, deferred, and ignored.

I later received a call from a person named Rob, I interpreted the demeanor in his call as antagonistic, and his comments and intentions as less than honorable or reasonable, I was given the impression they wanted to keep my trade in consideration of driving the various used cars, and as the conversation continued it got a little heated and he suggested we terminate the call and stated he would call me back the next day.

The next day came, he didn't call. I called and left a message for him. He did not return the call.

Over the next week I left 3 more messages and 3 more times the call went unreturned.

On 1-13-07 I placed a call to Tony Preston and asked him point blank if they run a legitimate operation to which he responded they did and when I explained the challenges he walked back and connected the call to Rob.

Rob got on the phone and the conversation was reasonable this time and he explained Kam would be the person to talk to in order to resolve things. He said he would have him call and said he would ask him to call me when we ended our call.

Kam called, and while the tone of our conversation was reasonable, he said in no uncertain terms they were not willing to work out any deals, and were planning to keep my trade and the equity as payment for driving their cars and would only entertain me buying the car at the price agreed to in June.

In our conversation he said no one put a gun to your head and made you sign a contract. I reminded him the contract was only an interim arrangement.
Since I did not ask to drive their car in the first place, and I could not afford the car because I did not receive the funds I was anticipating when I first looked at it.

When I first notified them the transaction did not go through and wanted to change to something different, instead, I was deferred, an deferred, given a used car to drive until we could work thing out. Since I was not yet in receipt of any alternate funds with which to buy such an expensive car, buying the Mercedes was not a viable option for me.

In the mean time my trade had been sold (at a profit) and without a trade or the equity from the trade I was left without transportation.

As a matter of fact IF a gun had been put to my head and I had been informed it was a final deal I would have been forced to either leave or have them pull the trigger. As previously stated the only way I would take title to such an expensive vehicle is in trust, for that to happen the trustee would need to sign all the papers. I was told that could be done when the deal closed and the balance was available. That is why the contract they are trying to force me to honor is not now and never was to be a valid contract.

I had a couple of subsequent conversations with Kam attempting to resolve things to our mutual satisfaction but all I received was pay the balance on the car, and then we can talk. I attempted to offer what I thought were reasonable solutions for all parties but I got nowhere.

What I had proposed was the following:

1. While waiting to see if I could obtain alternate funding so I could purchase the vehicle I first looked at and briefly drove I proposed to exchange my trade equity for a car of approximately the same value as the trade. (the same basic proposal as in September)
2. Once funding was available I proposed to also purchase the car I had originally wanted to purchase without the credit of the car I traded in.
3. At the same time, once funding was available, I proposed would also purchase a new Infinity. The new Infinity was actually at Kam's suggestion.

I was willing to complete any paperwork necessary to accomplish same.

My objective was to find a win-win solution to a difficult situation and my reasoning was since they were good enough to offer to wait for payment, that contrary to original expectations, was unable to be met when the transaction I was waiting on did not go through, since both parties made mistakes, even though they were the ones that stretched things out, I would give them the opportunity to earn a profit on 3 sales, rather than just 1, and I would overlook the excessive nature of their profit. That seemed to be my only alternative to keep them from stealing my equity.

Kam again stated the first thing that must happen is to purchase the original car before he would entertain anything else.

Subsequent conversations attempting to resolve the matter accomplished nothing.

The first transaction is and has been dead since September of 06.

It was an interim arrangement only, and the events leading up to it never materialized, effectively as if financing had been denied.

I did not ask to take delivery of the car. After being convinced to take delivery, I made it known there were problems with the vehicle, and made it known I would prefer to switch vehicles. I was continually deferred on this.

After returning the car I made it clear that if I could obtain alternate funds I would still consider the car, but only if fixed, if the car was not fixed I did not want it at any price. I was told on 3 separate occasions the car would be taken in to be fixed, I know on the first 2 it was not, I have no idea of whether it ever got fixed or not.

In the interim I have more closely inspected the Car Fax report supplied by the dealer and the vehicle had previously been in for electrical problems prior to Luxury Motor's acquisition so they should have been aware of the problem since they were the ones who provided the Car Fax report.

10. An end in sight I related and proposed what I believed to be an equitable solution that they lead me to believe would resolve things.

I have believed the first thing that needed to happen was to straighten out the trade in. It is neither reasonable nor acceptable that the proceeds from the car I traded in, and they successfully sold at a profit, be applied as a cost of the short term driving of a vehicle (s) that I did not request to drive in the first place.

There exist numerous ways to work out a win-win solution, however, effectively stealing my equity in the trade and holding it hostage to try and make a deal on car that has unresolved electrical problems where the deal had fallen apart is not one of them.

After exhausting all reasonable efforts to resolve matters I am left with the impression that they are just a high pressure sales organization who have questionable customer satisfaction motives and are willing and anxious to profit even if it is at the expense of their customers with little regard for customer satisfaction.

Giving them the benefit of the doubt I did feel some compulsion to try and purchase the car and make up for mistakes made on both sides if possible. My efforts to make up the money I lost on my transaction did not pan out. Earning a basic living was even just beyond my grasp let alone accumulating the funds to purchase a car I didn't really need or want for that matter was not a realistic possibility.

In doing some work for a charitable trust I discovered a program they had that I thought may make it possible to resolve the problem. I petitioned them for assistance and got them to agree to purchase 2 vehicles and allow me to have custody of 1 or both of them for a period of time.

The only reasonable resolution I could see, and was willing to entertain is as follows:

1) First and foremost: Resolve the issue with the trade in. The dealer can write me a check for the full trade value. At one time I was willing to allow them to apply it to another vehicle of my selection as the most equitable for them would have been to trade out for a similar value used car which would enable the dealer to make another profit.

I am not willing to entertain this any longer due to my concerns based on my interaction with this company so far. Both of the used cars I have purchased or attempted to purchase have had major flaws. This is a condition precedent to any other action and need to resolved with the full or a reasonable trade value check
2) Assuming #1 was resolved to my satisfaction, and I could verify the car was fully and properly fixed, I would entertain the trust purchasing the original car, however, not at $2,505 over the at the time KBB retail, but at the original quoted price, less the overpayment and underpayment on trades from both past transactions. This adjustment would have made thing right.

That was the only reasonable solution as the car is purchased for the past retail value (far above current value) with the trade price adjustments making up for the previous short changing and providing all parties fair and reasonable value. I was willing to entertain this in spite of my concerns based on my previous interaction with this company so far.
3) Assuming #1 & # 2 are resolved, and a reasonable price will be offered, I would either request the trust to order a new Infinity FX 35 or 45, or in the event they have one equipped the way I want, in an acceptable color combination, I would ask them to buy one from their stock. I was willing to entertain this in spite of my concerns based on my interaction with this company so far.

Offered numbers:
$72,495.00 Original Quoted Mercedes Price Attempted to sell at $75,000.00
$3,000.00 Over Retail Jag
$1,500.00 Under Trade on Jag
$1,495.00 Over Retail Mercedes ($71K)
$700.00 Under Trade for Jag

$65,800.00 Current Price was willing to ask trust to pay predicated upon my prior receipt of full trade value.

If full trade value is not offered I would have to rethink IF, and, at what price, I would be willing to still ask the trust to purchase the Mercedes.

I felt the proposed resolution was equitable and provided a truly win-win solution.

Even though I had severe reservations on the Mercedes, I was willing to entertain the car providing I could be supplied with reasonable evidence of it being fixed. While prudence dictates I not entertain another used car transaction at this time, I was willing to give the opportunity to earn my additional new car business as previously discussed.

I was only seeking reasonable treatment and a reasonable solution where I pay retail (but not over) and am given fair trade value (but not under) for my spite of previous treatment where it would be reasonable to assume the dealer was out to screw me, I was still willing to give the benefit of the doubt and allow them an opportunity to make things right.

Again, a condition precedent to any solution was a fair and reasonable disposition of my trade equity.

Absent mutual agreement on the proposed resolution or another mutually agreeable and reasonable resolution things may have to be escalated to the next level at which point a win-win resolution becomes much more difficult if not impossible.

If things have to be escalated to the next level the involvement of the Better Business Bureau, the Attorney General, and/or a civil suit need to be evaluated as well as other remedies.

The overview reviewed here took place through January and early February 07. Some of which was related verbally and some of which was followed up in writingl.

11. Light at the end of the tunnel Could it be we are finally putting an end to this 3 year nightmare?

By mid February, after much discussion, and after delay, after delay by Luxury Motors, we had come to terms on a resolution as we had reached agreed pricing on the Mercedes and had come to terms. The trust was going to purchase the Mercedes at $67,000 representing approximately the original agreed price less the adjustments required to balance out the transactions and make things right.

The agreed price was also almost $10,000 over the advertised price of the car which was $57,995 at the time.

With what seemed to be a win-win solution in place I was feeling that this nightmare was almost over.

At this point I had asked the trust to set aside $115,000 as the approximate total for the Mercedes along with an Infinity, which was at Kam's suggestion.

12. Is it daylight, or is it a freight train? Why is it so hard to do something simple?

With the trust agreeing to come to my aid, and with a basic agreement in principal understood, I asked Kam to put the wheels in motion. He said he would and would call me back. After not hearing back from him I called him several times and eventually got through.

I told him we would need the papers for the trustee to sign, to insure the Mercedes was fixed, and a check for the trade.

Kam told me since he was not at the SAAB store to go in and see Nick in finance the next Friday at11:00 and he would get everything worked out. I went to see Nick on Friday as agreed (3-30-07) and after waiting and not getting to see him, I left a summary instruction sheet for what was needed with Nash Arshad, a sales consultant who said he would insure Nick received it.

The instructions I left were clear and yet I did not hear from Nick.

I called Kam to let him know, he said he would have Nick call. He did not call.

I called Kam again to let him know, he had Nick call and Nick asked me to fax the instructions as he remembered seeing them but did not know where they were. I complied.

The instructions requested the documents be drafted for the trustee to sign for the purchase of 2 cars. As conditions precedent they listed fixing the Mercedes and cutting me check for the trade. Since it was a third party transaction, it was the only logical way to handle things. It also requested me to be notified when ready to send to the trust so I could add the additional forms the trust would require from me to the package to be sent to the trustee for execution.

I finally got a call back from Nick who said he would take care of it.

After confirming the details Nick said he would fax the paperwork.
A couple of days later I got a fax of a sales order for the Mercedes only at $57,000 rather than the agreed $67,000. I called and informed Nick of the mistake.

During the call there was a second person on the line who was later identified as Keisha who stated before they did anything else they wanted verification that funding was available for the transaction.

I contacted the trust and requested the verification they had requested. The trust complied. I provided both Keisha and Nick with the verification and requested the documents originally requested the trustee would need to execute.

I was now subjected to more run-around as they were unwilling or unable to provide the paperwork needed for 1 or both cars and were deftly dodging the trade issue.

To make a long story short after being told 3 different times that they had faxed the paperwork with it never being received after a number of faxes, emails, and phone calls to Kam and Tony Preston I was turned over again to Rob and asked to come in to get it all resolved.

I set the appointment to see Rob, went to the SAAB store, arrived about 10 minutes before our appointed time to be informed he was not there and after an hour wait he arrived.

He seemed cooperative at getting the needed paperwork, when reminded that we needed to square up on the trade at first he also seemed cooperative.

To make a long story short again, after much discussion and back and forth between Kam and Rob they offered $5,000 for the trade they under bought at $12,000 and sold at a profit now almost a year earlier.

After much more discussion and debate the $5,000 offer was raised to $6,000.

At this point I was totally worn down and in the interest of bringing this nightmare to an end and getting the part of my life back that had been dedicated to the Luxury Motors nightmare I very reluctantly agreed.

I told them I agreed on the condition that I get the check that day. That set in motion the confirmation of my worst suspicions and the confirmation that the only mistake bigger than dealing with them in the fist place and letting them talk me into letting spot a car I could not yet afford was giving them any benefit of the doubt.

13. The ultimate insult & the leopard shows its spots After jumping through all their hoops, as it turns out they are Robin Hood in reverse, strictly out to steal from the poor, nave, unsuspecting, public only to line their own greedy pockets with no real regard for their customers, only disdain.

Rob turned from being reasonable back into the antagonistic person I had first encountered over the telephone several months earlier. He said he would not issue my check until the 3rd party I brought in (the Trust) purchased the vehicle. He was not willing to wait. He stated he was aware of my intentions to go to the Attorney General and stated his intention of sticking to the letter of the contract that was the interim arrangement and said he thought he would prevail and could come after me for any deficiency.

He went as far as saying that he already knew he had plenty of people ready to testify to facts: that were the figment of his imagination.

At this point I am done, not only is there no apparent way to win, in dealing with Luxury Motors, there is no apparent way to avoid getting screwed.

My objective in bringing these facts to light is twofold; 1. On the chance (slim) that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, I would like to give the dealership a final opportunity to step up and make things right, which I have been unable to accomplish through normal channels over the past 3 years. And 2, I hope to give others the benefit of learning from my mistakes hopefully avoiding the same mistakes.

In the event a reasonable resolution can be made, I am willing to update this report to that the event my worst suspicions are true, I hope to have some role in reducing the number of customers that fall victim to Luxury Motors, and if the absolute worst of my suspicions are true, see them either go out of business, or be put out of business before hurting too many others.

I am in the process of finalizing arrangements to have a charitable trust pay a Rebate to anyone who buys a car anywhere EXCEPT at one of the Luxury Motors Stores, kind of an extra incentive to find a dealer that will treat you right and earn, rather than take, your business. So far it seems that we are in agreement in principal on the following:

1. A rebate will be offered to anyone who purchases a used or new car from any dealer EXCEPT one of the Luxury Motors dealers. order to have some impact, a total of 1,500 to 2,000 rebates will be offered initially. Options are being explored to increase the total quantity.
3. The amount of the rebate will be between $50.00 and $100.00. A tiered rebate structure is being evaluated.
4. To earn the rebate a consumer will complete a rebate form and be asked to fax or email it to the trust.
5. Rebate will be processed and paid to the consumer.

The objective of the rebate program is to significantly reduce the number of consumers who fall prey to the Luxury Motors tactics. One of the reasons the Charitable Trust is entertaining funding this campaign stems from the fact that I had petitioned them for assistance in helping me out of my Luxury Motors dilemma, and they had agreed. After agreeing and setting aside funds to help me, the Luxury Motors stall tactics have cost the Trust approx. $20,000 in lost interest income. Stay tuned for details as the arrangements are finalized.

In the meantime review the information and learn from my mistakes. Go anywhere except one of the Luxury Motors dealers to buy a car for the best chance at keeping your sanity and not being taken advantage of.

Company: Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove, SAAB Downers Grove
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Downers Grove
Address: 330 Ogden Ave. & 310 & 217 Ogden
Phone: 6302414848
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Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove, SAAB Downers Grove
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Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove, SAAB Downers Grove
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Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove, SAAB Downers Grove
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Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove
Luxury Motors Downers, Bently Downers A Close Call

Luxury Motors Downers Grove - Bently Downers Grove
Bait & Switch ripoff

Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove
Misrepresentation of title history

Luxury Motors Downers Grove, Bently Downers Grove, SAAB Downers Grove
The hook that sets the trap Ripoff

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Hiding damage

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Ripoff— does not honor contract

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Downers Grove Saab / Luxury motors Downers Grove Saa