Nancy Baer Trucking
Ripoff Lied on my DAC report, fired me unjestifiably, rip me off

Cars & Transport

Nancy Baer Trucking Inc. Terminated me because I would not drive while I was under doctor care and on narcotics. They also took my last pay check, and said they were paying my Insurance up, and still today has never givem me my last pay stub, and did not take care of the Insurance, now I am Stuck with all these mediacl bills. Nancy Baer Trucking Inc. Also fought me over My unemployment, and I won the case, but I went to work else whare, so I can't even draw that money. THEN TO TOP IT ALL OFF!!! Nancy Baer Trucking Inc. Put on my DAC Report that they fired me because I was late for deliveries, and falsified logs. I have proof that they fierd me because I have all the paperwork from whare we fought over the unemployment. And they even lied when we went to court over that. They even riped me off on my pay checks. Companies like this needs to be brought to jestice, jest like other criminals do!!! I would also like to add that I was recently Turned down for a job with USXPRESS, becauce of what Nancy Baer Trucking Inc. Put on my DAC Report.

Company: Nancy Baer Trucking
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Jasper
Address: 3137 Virginia Ave
Phone: 8124822936
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