Ford Motor Company
Ripoff $75.00 Ford Test Drive Rebate Ripoff

Cars & Transport

Ford Motor Company offered a $75.00 Ford Credit card if you test drove any Ford vehicle. I did the test drive, mailed in my rebate form and waited. And waited. And waited (over 4 months). I finally tracked down a phone number at Ford Marketing Division and even though they did find evidence of my rebate submission, I was told the program was no longer in effect and they could not send me the $75.00 Ford credit card. When I protested, they offered to send me a $75.00 VALUE travel bag instead. I refused the offer and asked why they just woudn't send me a check, since they no longer had the credit cards available. I was told this was not an option! Ford Motor Company failed to provide the rebate as advertised. I would like Ford Motor company to live up to their promise!

Company: Ford Motor Company
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Dearborn
Address: P.O. Box 6248
Phone: 8003344375
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