Chip Coffey
Cyber bully and liar

Career & Work

I want to thank Complaints Board for removing the original thread which was riddled with off topic remarks and missing posts crucial to the "truth" of my story.

This is a story of cyber bullying of epic proportions that has taken on a whole new dimension of such callous evil and distortion there are no words to describe the pain that I have been caused by a deranged lunatic named Kimberly Glasnapp of La Mirada, California and her partner in crime Barbara Evans of Jamestown, New York and the ever present Tanila Price... But the reason this thread is about Chip Coffey is because NONE OF THIS WOULD EVER HAVE HAPPENED IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE TWISTED TACTICS OF THIS DEMONIC MAN HIDING BEHIND A BIBLE WHICH IS NOTHING MORE THAN A PROP to fool people into believing he is a pious, religious, caring man when in fact he is a deceptive, backstabbing lying grafter!

We met on in 2003 and Chip Coffey was one of the first people to call me and he left me a glowing review and we became fast friends. Or more accurately he pretended to be my friend for two years from 2003 to 2005... And to this day he denies we were ever friends but my version is the truth and speaking to someone several times a week for two years constitutes as friendship in my book.

He lost his mind when I became the number one psychic in our category and vowed to get me kicked off or in his exact words seared into my memory when I called and asked, "Is everything OK?" he screamed into the phone, "EVERYTHING IS NOT OK. I've been number one all these years and i'm gonna stay number one! I'm not gonna roll over and play dead... ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER WOULDN'T ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD" and he succeeded with lies and deception and a relentless campaign of asking people to call me and leave negative feedback. I was kicked off of Keen within two weeks.

Not only that, the day after I became number one, Chip Coffey called me and said, "Guess what I just did? I just purchased your name and and I want $3000 for 'em!" And sure enough when you put into the URL it redirected to his website and he refused to give them back to me and in fact held them hostage for a year by transferring them to Mark Ott of The Ott Group in Las Vegas!

But this was nothing compared to Chip Coffey's endless cyber bullying that continues to his day. However Chip Coffey is a coward and he lets ugly old hags do his dirty work for him.

The Chief of Operation Cyber Stalk... Aka ruin Bea's reputation is Tanila Price and here she is... The one on the left. She would scare the devil back to hell with that haircut.

Company: Chip Coffey
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
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Chip Coffey -
Chip coffey's lie filled blog

Tammy Alenduff
Tammy wall alenduff relentless cyber bully, cyber stalker, all around nutcase

Chip Coffey
Psychic kids, paranormal state cyber bully, pathological liar, sociopath, twisted evil man

Kimberly Glasnapp - Animal Rescue Fraud
Kar miller, sara harrington cross, bambi's hope rescue chip coffey's latest bully, animal rescue fraud, pathological liar

Tanila Price
Chip coffey charlie starr of blackberry smoke, your mother has been stalking me for four years
Chip Coffey The truth of prophets for profits! Do not use psychic lines especially Keen and Kasamba!

Beatrice Marot
Profane, Racist

Kirby Robinson
Attemps to defame and malign people internet

Chip Coffey And Tanila Price... So Sad!
Chip Coffey And Tanila Price. So sad! Endless cyber stalking by tanila price! Atlanta, georgia

Beatrice Marot California Psychic
Beatrice MarotCalifornia Psychic, Former Keen Psychic Proclaimed Light Worker Harassed Me Over My Support Of Friend, Made Racist Bigoted Remarks Against Individuals andor Heritages