Clayton Nelson aka this place needs more Descartes
Wow! It's him

Career & Work

I've been very busy @ work the last few months so I have not been keeping up with the day to day rap on this regards to this place needs more Descartes. It's for sure clayton nelson. Ladies and gents don't bother with his responses... He's autistic with limited mental capabilities. He switches usernames all the time. His m. O is trying to belittle people via his thesaurus... His iq is 75.. HE IS A 58 yr old child..

Company: Clayton Nelson aka this place needs more Descartes
Country: USA
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Clayton Nelson
Have to google clayton nelson is a pig video!

Clayton Nelson
TOTAL bogus pictures. Again

Clayton Nelson Used To Blow Bubbles When He Was Younger
He needs more Descartes?

Clayton Nelson
Clayton Nelson Photography

Mr. Clayton Nelson
Lied about graduating from nyu

Clayton Nelson
Everybody now knows

Clayton Nelson
We are all afraid of him

Clayton Nelson Pure Retard
Totally wacked 24/7

Clayton Nelson SuperModel Club member
Lied about graduating from PSU

Clayton Nelson. More Fake Usernames
Just the same old thing