National Career Fair
Job Fair was a Complete Joke

Career & Work

In February I joined a Nationwide Career Good in downtown Atlanta in a nearby resort (the Vacation Inn) which work good was an entire laugh. They promoted this work good as though plenty of employers were likely to be there to get a number of opportunities and also you might have believed the reasonable might have experienced a large measured space with atleast 40 or even more companies. Alternatively, they'd significantly less than 20 companies and also the meeting space the reasonable was in was concerning the dimension of the hockey court and that I finished giving my application to 1 company. The toughest section of this work good is the fact that there is a-line twisted round the resort building.

Though I've joined some work fairs by which I've had some achievement, this work good by National Career Fair was an entire laugh and that I wouldn't suggest anyone to go to a Nationwide Career Reasonable since you may keep dissatisfied and annoyed understanding you had been not able to find job opportunities.

Company: National Career Fair
Country: USA
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