Al Williams
Primerica - lies lies lies by primerica apologists

Career & Work

Primerica's stealing of promised commissions is unconscionable. Also, I shot down in great detail why, if the company is sincere, they are to provide you with health and life insurance. You are not a customer; you are an employee. And I've explained that many times. It is an abomination to ask you to purchase a policy. That's rinky dink. That's a scam. That's Electrolux not giving you, the hard worker, a vacuum. Electrolux wants YOU to buy a vacuum. Same with the Primerica skimming, fleecing fraud.

Same old lies by GilbertRinTX. And he even said "you make commisisons when you recruit others". THAT, Folks is an admision that Primerica is a nefarious, fraudulent pyramid scheme. At con America, as AL Williams prior, you are told to recruit recruit recruit. At the cultic meetings, they utter gross lies. One was: "what does 7-11 and McDonald's do? They open their mouth". Advertising and scam pyramid scheme recruiting to deceive souls are as different as east and west. 7-11 and McDonald's are not intrinsically illegal, evil and immoral organizations.

EIGHT policies! Eight! You notice not outrage on the part of Primerica is a lie and GilbertRinTX. Unbelievable. And GilberRintX professes to be a policeman. An officer is a minister of God: Romans 13. WHERE is the righteous anger on the part of the policeman when all these illegalities, improprieties, immoralities, scams, boiler room schemes, overpricing, lying to customers, lying to the downline, ripping the customers, ripping the downline, reports of Primeirica committing fraud and unnecessary red tape; Primeirca agents attempting to commit adultery with downlines right in front of their spouses; Primerica in part responsible for the subprime crisis; Primerica having mortages TWO PERCENTAGE POINTS HIGHER; Primerica stealing from agents bank accounts without telling them, etc? And for GilbertRinTX to go "ho hum" when he was shown websites such as
is an outrage! At the cultic meetings with Primerica, as AL Williams previously, you are told that we are the cheapest. On one package, Primerica was 27 the HIGHEST priced out of 31 packages! Primeirca is NEVER the cheapest! As an officer of the law, GilbertRinTX was supposed to be enraged by Primerica's overpricing and not being competitive. ALL the agents are being deceived! As an officer of the law, you should be attacking pyramid cons with unparalled missionary zeal! Pay the fine, GilbertRinTX. Every liar defending Primerica will pay a 15000 fine per incident. I've already outlined the plan.

Furthermore, Primerica will forthwith and forevermore cease and desist from asking for the prospect's SS#. Primerica wants it so that it can steal YOUR MONEY FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT as often as they please. It's called extorting, fraud and robbery. Questions? Arrange for me to give you a seminar. It'll be expensive, but it'll be worth it. Most of you do not know that VERY, VERY FEW people need any death insurance at all. Find out why. - consult the Rock

Present Primerica agents: Don't chase good money after bad! Have you taken a long time to mull over that? Had I done so when I was younger, I would've saved a little bit of money that is for ever gone. Defenders of the pyramid multilevel marketing fraud are posting because they do not want their downline and future downline to know the ghastly trap that they are being enticed in to. ALL who get in to pyramiding do not know what they are getting in to. ALL who sign with Primerica do NOT understand the IBA that they are signing, nor do they go over with their attorneys. Some do not even understand that it is a sales job with NO base salary.
Three of the victims of a.L. Williams are in the photograph. Notice that two are children. This is still going on with primerica. Poor, brainwashed in to the cult souls are losing their homes, their cars, their respect and the respect of their families because of pyramiding.
Http://nextaxpro. Spaces.
http://360. Williams, _Inc-Primerica.html
http://www.sec. Gov/cgi-bin/txt-srch-sec? Text=Primerica§ion=Entire Website&sort=rank
http://www.sec. Gov/litigation/admin/3440269. Txt
And, you guessed it, a nefarious, surreptitious, abominable, ugly, leeching pyramid boiler room scheme being called "multi-level marketing". It is NOT marketing!!! It is a shyster, fast talking, con man, fraud, skimming, blood sucking, lowdown, preying on the unfortunate, the disadvantaged, the downtrodden; cowardly, miserable, yellow-bellied, thief, ripping, scraping, plucking, robbing YOU of YOUR hard earned money and credit. - consult the Rock
Pyle, The Truth About the Homosexuals {20th Century Sodomites! } Cfm/ID/549
OR, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, old Syrian, old Latin, German, and English marks the seventh:
(“Holocaust Survivor: molested by Guards, â€The Massachusetts News, April 5)
http://us. Mc365. Mail.
http://nextaxpro. Spaces.
"I believe that a long step toward public morality will have been taken when sins are called by their right names." -Billy Sunday
HOW PROPHETIC with clapped up, urine drinking, child molesting sodomites being called "gays"!! WOGS - Wrath of God Syndrome watered down to "aids" and "hiv". Loathesome, sinsick, sex perverts being called "bi, transgender, cross dressers". Dykes called "lesbians". Your sex is labeled your "gender". And "homophobe, homo phobic". These be not words! Consult your dictionary! I don't have a fear of man. Homo means man! The fear of man bringeth a snare, but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. - Proverbs 29:25
And, you guessed it, a nefarious, surreptitious, abominable, ugly, leeching pyramid boiler room scheme being called "multi-level marketing". It is NOT marketing!!! It is a shyster, con man, fraud, skimming, blood sucking, lowdown, varmit, thief, robbing YOU or YOUR hard earned money and credit. - consult the Rock
http://nextaxpro. Spaces.
http://us. Mc365. Mail.

Pseudonyms "great team" "money maker" "successful primerica rep" and ALL apologists for the Primerica abominable pyramid scheme: thou shalt not beat false witness. If we were still living in the Old Testament, you would be stoned until you expired from all the broken ribs, broken skull and so on. You are liars. No one ever made money in Primerica except those at the top of the illegal, evil, boiler room scam scum pyramid scheme. Primerica is illegal; it IS IS IS a pyramid and I have amply demonstrated that many times on many threads. Amway got off on a technicality in 1979. A.L. Williams, Inc - Primerica is a pyramid scheme. And don't forget to study all the horrible experiences and exposes of Primerica thieves. Less than. 001 make money at Primerica. Only the top of the pyramid makes money. Many rvps and drvps BUY additional policies to inflate their "earnings". There are literally hundreds of reasons to expose Primerica to all you meet or can come contact with by launching your own website. Ex-Primerica
reps, stand up and be heard! Do not swallow your medicine!

Primerica apologist liars: WHY do your business cards say "citigroup" "div of citigroup" - everything but "primerica". It was the same when I was with A.L. Williams. On 07-04 19:08
Last week, the Department of Ins{urance}. For the state of Utah raided the Primerica offices in Salt Lake{City}. The RVP admittied {sic} to investigators that he had committed a fraud{.}

Http:// Williams, _Inc-Primerica.html Hl=en&q=PRIMERICA BUSTERS&btnG=Google Search
(“Holocaust Survivor: molested by Guards, â€The Massachusetts News, April 5)
http://nextaxpro. Spaces. http://360.

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Company: Al Williams
Country: USA
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A.L. Williams-primerica
Spam by primerica apologists

Life ins, mortgages, mut funds
Frauds and many types of stealing

Defines the word Rip-Off

Ripoff Duluth Georgia

Keep up the good work Without you I would not have a job fixing your mistakes and replacing your over priced products Primerica Agents

Why Primerica is fundamentally flawed

Primerica stories


Primerica Financial Serv
Company's heart is in the right place

Primerica: A Member Of Citigroup
Primerica, A Member Of Citigroup Told me they were a Citigroup member, which is correct, but didn't tell me they were Primerica