Burger King
Swiss mushroom burge

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

It's obvious the taste testers are recruited off skid row - heavy smokers and drinkers with no remaining taste buds.
Best described as a nasty mouthful of heavily salted and peppered "runny grease sauce" skimpy on the cheese, and only 2 tiny slices of mushroom.
Disappointment and following tummy ache.
I understand keeping it under 2 dollars is a challenge, but add mushrooms, much less salt, lose all the pepper and scary-liquid, and it might be a decent item.

Company: Burger King
Country: USA
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Burger King Lewisville
It looks and is nothing like the picture! Across the street from the high school

New Angus Burge

Mc Donalds 4173
Mc Donalds pathetic fast food! - Double Cheese burge

Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut Skimpy Toppings - Pizza hut delivery order pizza

Otten service... Again

Not returning to Applebees - Honey BBQ riblets

Burger King
Cilantro Lime big Fish

Burguer king
Worst new Burge

1/4 double cheese

Burger King
Bad service