Sonic Drive-In
Sonic Points fingers

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I worked at Sonic August August it was my first job. It really wasn't too bad at first. But then:

-the manager who hired me was let go (he admitted to watching us on the camera's from home, and not in a professional way)

-I NEVER received formal training, and it actually counted against them in 2 heath inspections, both times I got in trouble

-the first time I met our regional manager I got in trouble for not wearing a name tag. I had been asking for one and never received it until I was there for 3 months

-I had become the weekend non-manager closer and once I graduated high school I was the non-manager closer almost nightly, but I was not allowed to switch off of my carhop pay rate once we closed. If there were other non-manager closers they usually stood around texting or making party plans while I did garbage, bathrooms, and breakdowns

-I did not feel comfortable taking the trash to the dumpster alone after close and it was rather difficult to convince any male employee to at least watch me from the patio

-as a carhop I had my pay cut from $5.30 to $4.69 because they assumed tips were good enough, on a GOOD night I broke $20 in tips

-I had my hours cut in half when I had a sinus infection so severe I could no sit upright without getting dizzy. I went to the doctor on my day off and called out 2 days ahead of my next shift and was told there was no excuse.

-My last day was on the first day of a new pay period. I came to get my check two weeks later and was told "I forgot to put you on payroll". I was able to clock in that last day, which can only mean my manager (Eric Blackwood) went back in and "deleted" my entire day of work. He then literally yelled at me, telling me it wasn't his problem while the other employees stared and laughed. I ended up getting it a month later.

There's a LOT more I could go on with, but I've ranted enough for now.

Company: Sonic Drive-In
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ocala
Address: Maricamp Rd
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Sonic drive in
Employee training in first 3 days

Sonic Drive In
Awful place

Sonic Drive In
Management Is Horrible

Sonic Drive-In
Bad Managament, Money hungry owners

Sonic Drive Inn Of Giddings Texas
Slander, management sleeping with employees, Management cursing at employees

Sonic Drive-In - Plano, Texas
Poor employees treatment

Sonic Drive In
Paid more for item that is less than 7 bucks

Sonic Drive In
Watch Your Ticket

Sonic Drive In
I worked for them horrible company practice

Sonic Corp
Non payment of wages