BaHa, LLC dba Auntie Anne's Pretzels
Matt Forbush, Owner Unethical Practices

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

It is only appropriate that I postthis here to inform potential employees and customers of the business with whomI dealt. Before I was hired I did a search on the owner with no relevantresults. Matt once told to me about the other complaint on this site, saying it was completely false. I wish I had seen it before accepting thejob; I know from firsthand experience Matts feelings about "people likehim." I'll be the first to admit I was not the best manager, but Iwill not take all the blame since Matt admitted to me within a month ofstarting the job that he "threw [me] under the bus" by not takingadequate time to train me. The more questions I asked, the less hecommunicated, the harder my job was. I constantly asked my corporatestore representative what to do about this, but all recommended efforts hadbeen taken and were exhausted. I did my best and am happy not working forsomeone who cannot abide by his own anti-harassment policy... Because I mostcertainly felt threatened by a hostile owner. This is solely my opinionand experience only. I contacted the Department of Labor and AuntieAnne's corporate office shortly after this. Corporate declined to acceptany proof and HR neglected to return any of the three follow-up calls Imade. Matt Forbush refused to answer any questions regarding money hestill owes me. Due diligence was made on my behalf to cover loose endsbefore considering legal action, which I ultimately decided against. Below is my story.

Matt Forbush, the owner, put meunder duress using intimidation and force in an attempt to sign a contractagreeing to terms that were never discussed at my point of hire. Had theybeen discussed, I would never have taken the text, he threatensto fire me for email, he terminates me because thecompany is going to move in a different writing on theseparation notice, he claims poor work performance. All of these reasonsfor termination stem from the fact that I refused to be forced to sign adocument that had vague terms and stipulations before obtaining more informationfrom him, which I had requested but was declined. A brief discussion regardingswitching managers between stores (Cool Springs Galleria and Hickory HollowMall) occurred in the spring. Matt told me that he felt I did not havethe bottom line in mind and repeatedly asked if I liked him (professionally). I reminded Matt that regardless of how I felt, thecorporate Store Representative had reviewed how well I had been doing, raisingnet sales per customer by a significant amount, and that I had kept comparableyear to year net sales above 10% on average each month. Matt thoughtabout this for a few minutes in silence, and then said we would work somethingout. It was not brought up again until I had to miss work several monthslater. I became ill, but recalled Matt stating that if I ever called outof work that I (or any other employee) had "better be in thehospital." With no health insurance and lack of managerial support (my assistant manager was out of town), I informed Matt that I was a serioushealth hazard to the business and desperately needed him to come in. Herefused. With a 104 temperature, I worked the next three days (in a foodand beverage establishment, mind you) before I could no longer stand at the endof the third night, shaking uncontrollably and becoming violently ill on theway home in my roommate's car. Because I was unable to speak, my roommatehad to call and inform Matt that I was not going to be able to work and that Iwas seeing a doctor the following day. The doctor's orders were no workfor several days. Matt was infuriated, asked why I had to miss work, anddemanded I work from home. (I do not believe Matt believed me when I saidI had pneumonia.) Fearing him and the loss of employment, I did so. Looking back through email, I apparently sent some very delirious emails (someof which don't even make sense, some of which I'm not sure when I even wroteother than what the time stamp says) which I would say that I regret, but I wasunder duress with a 104 temperature and trying to do my job. This mayhave been the breaking point for Matt, but I do not know for sure. Once recovered and I was gettingback into the swing of things, I stopped by Matt's primary business, Otter'sChicken Tenders, to pick up a reimbursement check. It was at this timethat Matt presented me with some papers and said, "Take a look at theseand tell me what you think. My friend who had come in with me overheadthis and the audio/visual cameras that Matt has in the store could confirmthis. When I got home, one hour before I was to leave for work, I readover the papers. The following texts transpired: MGR @ 13:54: Matt at a quickreview these memos are inappropriate and i will not sign these forms until ihave had adequate time to review them. We should try to keep things inline with industry standards. As for switching stores (as of this sunday) myfeelings on this matter have not changed. This will immediately affectprofitability and more importantly training of new hires. MF @ 14:00: You do not rewritememos for my company, you will abide them like everyone else does or beterminated for insubordination. MF @ 14:01: Either they willbe signed by the time I get there or I will have your separation notice filledout to give to youMGR @ 14:09: Cool heads mustprevail regarding this matter. I have been given one hour to look at this andyou stated take a look at these and give me your thoughts. I did what youasked and you immediately threaten my job? There are some legitimate talkingpoints that should be discussed and can be resolved. I do not understand how myopinion is insubordination since you wanted my thoughts on the memos. MF @ 14:11: I never asked foryour thoughts I said I would be over there to discuss any questions with you, but nothing is changingMGR @ 14:13: I have witness towhat you said exactly. Perhaps you meant to say something different but you didnot. MGR @ 14:19: What time do youplan to be at the store? I am going to work, i will be training. This needs tobe discussed tonight. MF @ 14:45: there is nothingto discuss, those documents have to be signed and abided byMGR @ 14:48: Memos andcontracts are two different things. Memos will be signed as required bythe job, but one hour to review a work contract is egregious and creates ahostile work environment. Do you disagree? MGR @ 15:02: Just to clarifyonly the memos must be signed, correct? I am not signing the contract due tothe hostile nature in which it was presented. I am under duress to agree toterms that were never discussed at my point of hire. MF @ 21:22: Please check emailbefore your shiftMy shift began at 3:00pm thatday. I arrived to work and began training new hires. Walking to theback with them, Matt ran into me and ordered for me to go home for theday. I said, Matt, we need to talk. He reiterated, Go home, were not talking about this now. I insisted on the matter. Al[his father] and I are going to talk, well talk about this tomorrow. Go home. Will I be paid for all of today? I asked. He replied Yeah, as hewalked away with the new hires. There was a witness that observed andlistened as I had to chase Matt down one last time to give him materials thatwere to be given to the trainees and to tell him where their employee files anduniforms were. I left as ordered. The email sent by Matt is asfollows: Effective 8:00 PM CST BaHa, LLC isgoing to move in a different direction with our management. This is dueto various operational inconsistencies with both Auntie Anne's Inc. And BaHa, LLC as well as failure to preform basic duties required of management and lackof the ability to bring the team attitude and management philosophy we strivefor at BaHa, LLC. You will have a formal termination notice waiting foryou at the kiosk by 8:00 PM CST on Friday, June 8. Your lastpaycheck will be available after 2:00 PM Friday, June order toreceive the full amount please make sure to return all BaHa, LLC materials...[confidentiallist omitted]. Matt Forbush[phone number omitted]

Company: BaHa, LLC dba Auntie Anne's Pretzels
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Franklin
Address: 1800 Galleria Blvd # 4056
Phone: 4239148118
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