Taco Bell

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Apparently, you have to submit all sorts of personal info before you can enter your code! I didn't do the whole thing. What in the world makes them think I'm going to give them my birthday and all sorts of other personal info just to type in a code? This isn't a contest, it's a marketing scam.

Company: Taco Bell
Country: USA
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Taco Bell

Taco Bell
Million peso game ripoff Florida

Taco Bell / GoLargeLiveLarge game
Not user friendly at all!

No one can play the game!

Solutions International Escrow Services
Consumer Report

(714) 616 -6154
Consumer Report

Taco Bell / Pepsico
Can't register code at site!

Taco Bell
Peso rip off

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Consumer Report