Employee cruelty Lawton oklahoma

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Employee was locked or held inside of walk-in refrigerator. She was told that she should be fired because she could not learn after being employed for two years. This was done by a manager while another manager and employees watched. The employee is afraid to report what happened. She was also made to help the janitor person to do his work. Then she was accused of her register of being short.

She is a slow and diasabled worker. She was humiliated in front of other workers. She wants to work so she can support her five children. She is willing to work. I thought this was awful. Thais is why I am repoting this. She is so afraeid of being fired.

Company: Mcdonalds
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 6301 Quannah Parker
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Mc Donalds
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