Michael Baumhaft aka Michael J Cooper, Kathy hicks
Kathy Hicks and Michael Baumhaft aka Kathy Hicks and Michael Baumhaft are con artists that ripoof people in need

Business & Finance

Guess whos at it again? Kathy Hicks of course. You may remember her from her illegal activity and connection with acclaim legal services. Well now acclaim doesnt want anything to do with here she has found another lowlife with no ethics just like herself. And her new business partner is... Michael Baumhaft aka Michael J Cooper, yes the convicted felon. Who is NOT an attorney but has been punishied in court portraying one. Yes he acted like an attorney is is not one!

Michael Baumhaft aka Michael J Cooper has now started a new company company called "Foreclosure Prevention of Michigan" he charges people up to $5,000 and tells them he can save there home from foreclosure by filing a lawsuit on there behalf. The problem is he is NOT AN ATTORNEY. Which is 100% illegal. He also "guarantees to stop foreclosure" which again is illegal. He has been in trouble before for impersonating an attorney, ripping off real estate investors, defrauding the government, lying in bankruptcy court and he has a $600,000 judgement against him from some of these law suits. You
can look up all this info your self on the courts websites. Now he has teamed up with Kathy hicks. Kathy is well known in the realestate field.
How is she known? She has been in trouble before for illegally telemarketing and splitting fees with a attorney, which again is illegal, has also been sued for ripping off investors. But here main line of work now is illegally telemarketing and ripping off people who are about to lose their homes to foreclosure. And she guarantees that if they pay her or the company she works for which right now is "the foreclosure prevention of Michigan" she will stop the foreclosure.

Apparently neither one of these horrible people really care about helping people in distress all they are trying to do is collect as much money as possible before they get caught and then have to change the name of the company again.

Stay far away from both of these people.

Company: Michael Baumhaft aka Michael J Cooper, Kathy hicks
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Southfield
Address: 24725 W. 12 Mile Road, Suite 110
Phone: 2483598000
Site: foreclosurepreventionmichigan.com
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