Orchard Bank
Bankcard Services. Over Limit Ripoff Scam

Business & Finance

I am posting this to see if any other people have had this same problem. I am repeatedly charged a overlimit fee by these @%&*@
month after month and get the run around when I call to question this. They have a nack of charging $29.00 after they tell you to send a minimum payment. Which minimum payment does not cover their finance charges or processing fees that they tack on knowing that the minimum payment won't be enough hence the vicious cycle of being over the limit. If this is you or this is you with another credit card company PLEASE post and warn others.

Company: Orchard Bank
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Carol Stream
Address: Bankcard Services PO Box 5222
Phone: 15032934037
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Juniper Barclay Bank
Over Limit Fee Scam

Household Credit Services
Orchard Bank rip-off! Over the limit fees are billed at the time the account goes over the limit

Capital One
I was charged an overlimit fee even though I paid more than minimum due

Orchard Bank - HSBC Card Services
Charge over the limit fees due to their finance charges putting you over the limit ripoff

Discover Card
Ripoff, excessive, overcharging, duped, overlimit fees, Discover Credit Card

Capital One
Over Limit fees

Houshold Bank
Ripoff over limit charges with finance charges

Discover Card
It's another way of collecting additional fees from people

Household Credit Service Dba Orchard Bank
Illegally charging over-limit fees when their interest charges cause the account to go over limit RIPOFF Salinas California

Bank Of America
Ripoff dishonest billing periodic charges and secure plan was ripoff too. I became unemployed and was denied plan benefits i paid for!