First Link Benefits

Business & Finance

My name is Jana'i and a company called first link benefits called me offering a $2,500 mastercard and a free gateway computer all I had to do was provide them with my checking and routing numbers and a small
proccessing fee of $15.00. So I figured it's only $15.00 for a computer and gave my info to them. Not knowing that they would take that amount of money plus $354.90! Which I found out after calling my bank! I have since closed my accounts and filed a regulation E form to get my money back from these crooks!

I never authorized these transactions and on top of it all when I contacted them about it they gave me the run around called me a liar and said they would offer these benefits to someone who deserved them. I was aghast at the gall of these people they were real crooks!!!

If you are in the same situation as me I recomend calling your bank and closing your account so you can save yourself the heart ache I was put through. I want to thank this site for your advice if it wasn't for these reports I be out this money thanks.

Company: First Link Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlin
Address: P.O Box 1287
Phone: 18003150356
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First Link Benefits
Ripoff New York CANADA

First Link Benefits
1st Link Benefits ripoff, scam

First Link Benefits
Ripoff They call me on Nov. 17 Saying I would recieve a free Gateway computer, Mastercard with a credit line of 2500 free digital camra for 354.90. I then tried to cancel and got hung up on!

First Link Benefits
Ripoff First Link Benefits

First Link Benefits
RIPOFF MasterCard Gateway Computer for FREE FRAUD Took $350 from me

First Link Benefits
Ripoff Champlain New York

First Link Benefits FLB
First Link Benefits Or FLB ripoff They offered to debit 354.00 from my account and I would recieve a 2500.00 limit credit card, and a Gateway Computer

First Link Aka World Of Benefits Global Benefits
First Link Aka World Of Benefits ripoff changed their names still the same old wolf

First Link Benefits
World Of Benefits ripoff Got Routing Number and Checking Number with promise of Gateway Computer 124gig and 25,000.00 Master Card Plus Voive Mail

First Link Benefits