Credit Aceptance
Giving false information

Business & Finance

I purchased a chevy malibu via a dealer angry engines corporation. The experienced alot i been new orleans, it hit a solid wall the vehicle had ton a damge underneath the hood the organization wouldnt display me the carfax. Credit acceptance was aware of the vehicle having a lot of fix problems. I didnot realize they were the finance company till i acquired the carfax through division of engine vechile once they did they analysis. Credit acceptance was very conscious of this car being harm they keep selling the vehicle again and again destroying individuals credit. It been since 2009. I imply this car experienced hurricane katrina which car managed to get to florida. This would be to all of the comsumers please dont buy an automobile through credit acceptance. They are criminals they've desroy individuals credit for no reason. They a knowing the vehicle has ton a damage but still attempting to sell it to people. And you still got a create a repairs. Please dont obtain a chevy malibu fund through credit approval they giong to keep selling the automobile over an once again when the customer discover it may be to overdue beaware. They have now been destroying everyone credit that buy the car they turn the vehicle in for them va

Company: Credit Aceptance
Country: USA
State: Michigan
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Credit Acceptance Corporation
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Credit Acceptance Corporation
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Reported a 3 year excellent paying customer to Credit Bureaus - ruined my credit - not even a response

Credit Acceptance Corp
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Auto Acceptance
Ripoff Did not report to the credit agencies It's been three months now, and there is still no record of my paying on a car loan to auto acceptance

Credit Acceptance Corporation
Credit Acceptance Corporation did not honor their use car warranty

Credit Acceptance
The company let someone takes out a car loan on me and now the car loan is past due and it is not my account

Credit Acceptance, CAC
Credit Acceptance, CAC Can't get title

Credit Acceptance
Innocent Bystander is Harassed

Credit Acceptance
CAC Credit Acceptance financed vehicle without title, vehicle sold with forged carfax... Important link inside