Sallie Mae
$100 late surcharge on $50 student loan payment!

Business & Finance

Just letting you know to be careful with being late. I simply cannot believe this is legal. My wife has a student loan with Sallie Mae for about $1800. She has been paying $51 a month on it for years and never been late. She is now pregnant and briefly lost her mind and screwed up our bills for the first time. She is usually meticulous about paying on time and her credit report reflects this.

Anyway, she missed her student loan payment and as a result, Sallie Mae sent a deliquency letter to us with a $100 surcharge attached!!! I haven't had a chance to deal with them directly yet, so perhaps they'll do the right thing and waive it, but the fact that they can do this to begin with is absurd.

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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