Centurion Financial Benefits
I am such an Idiot, but they are so Evil and even admitted it! I am going to Sue!

Business & Finance

I know, I know... To good to be true...
$2000.00 credit 0% for three years from Centurion Bank
no service charge, monthy fees or annual fees
Credit raised to $5000.00 in 6 months with good payment.
NEVER ever more than 8% interest for the life of the card...

Who wouldnt pay $249.00 for that. I even thought about it for a couple of hours after "Ahmed" called me and then still did it. Of course during that time I was digging all over www.mastercard.com looking for anything on "Centurian Bank" which these people are NOT. But I guess it was the fact that I lost my husband last month, and myself and my two boys (21months and 4yrs) are running out of options fast... I actually thought that God was finally reaching down to save me from this horrible nightmare.

Then as I tried to investigate last night I was up until... Well Im still up learning about what a big dumb idiot I am and how unbelievably well hidden these people are.

The first thing I did was call the long distance company "Protel" to make sure that when I opted out on the voice recording yesterday that this was confirmed. Of course it wasn't and the amount they were going to charge was 39.95 a month! I informed the rep that I was a victim of fraud and that I was concerned that perhaps they did not know that they were affilliated with such a company. He of course sounded stunned. Of course there was no corporate office for me to contact, but curtis told me that "Bryan" was the supervisor.

I told him that I would be in touch. Then when I called Centurion they did not answer with anything but "how can I help you?" I told them very nicely that I was a new customer and I would like to talk to someone about my account.

AND the woman says!!!"your talking to someone" and Im like... Ok can I have your name please... She says Nellie. They I try to explain that I would appreciate some documentation faxed to me or some sort of corporate offict to contact... NONE cant' do it won't do it.

And I said "can you at least tell me where Centurion Bank is?" and the reply was "Maam we are not a bank, we are Centurian Financial Benefits" What we do is provide you with access with up to 5 lenders" I FREAKIN KNEW IT!!!

At this point my voice quivers because I am starting to cry, not because I feel stupid, but because I thought that I was going to be able to pay the rent next month and have diapers, laundry detergent, find a sitter, get a job...

And I tell her "I made a mistake, things have just been so bad I though something good was going to happen to me" (At this point I am sobbing)

Here is the clincher!

At this point Nellie says very quietly..."Maam, you shouldn't feel good about this. Close your account now" and she hung up the phone.

So I call Protel back just to get some sort of contact number for them because I am going to gather enough people up to make something happen if I have to walk from Texas to New York.
The contact person would be the president of the company
George Lutich and he can only be reached by FAX 727-531-0201
You can't tell me that these people don't know who they are working with. When I tried to tell the supervisor "Bryan" what was happening he treated me like I was a moron for accepting the offer. "Takes one to work with one"

I don't know how this kind of thing is supposed to work But I am not going to stop. These posting for this group of jerks are all relitivaly knew and I bet they wont be around long.

Lets Get THEM! And their little dog protel too!

I am going to put some sort of ad in the paper and online a

Company: Centurion Financial Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: 33 Elm
Phone: 8666342979
  <     >  


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