Wild Blue Internet
Over charging

Business & Finance

Whoa, discuss a horror-story, never have something related to WildBlue web, additionally they contact their home Excede or ViaSat, after they allow you to subscribe to auto-draft, they grab your banking account by declaring additional costs and lacking employing a lawyer, and going to trial, you're out of fortune, its all authorized and there's no way to avoid it. Good $460 buck training for all of US. And also to create it worse, we cannot actually quit them from performing it again, all although we're no further a person, they are able to write our banking account until hell freezes around until we shut it, which obviously is likely to be completed, move it on, WildBlue, Excede, or ViaSat, watch out for criminals. Hope I understand where you can publish this where everybody on the planet might view it.

Company: Wild Blue Internet
Country: USA
State: Colorado
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Viasat Satelite Networks
ViaSat Wildblue is ripping off customers - Exede

WildBlue Communications
I got screwed by DirecTV, Wild Blue, ViaSat, XCeed Internet - Wild Blue Communications (Xceed Internet)

WildBlue Communications
Wild blue service - wild blue

Wild Blue
Wildblue.com complete rip-off and liars

Wild Blue (also by alias, "Excede")
Incompetent, bordering on unethical, business practices and delivery of services - Wild Blue satellite internet

Wildblue Satellite Internet
Excede High Speed Scam on Faster Service (Still Restrictions) Do Not Bothe

WildBlue Communications
ViaSat Stay Away From WildBlue Internet

John Whitford Communications
Bait and Switch waits until you are scheduled before informing you have to pay additional fees

Wild Blue Satelite Service for Internet
Soon in April will be Excede Lies, all lies now they want us to "upgrade" to "Excede", a "NEW", better, faster internet service

Wild Blue
Poor service