South Aiken High School In Aiken Sc
Is really a racist high school

Business & Finance

Many South Aiken High Alumni DISLIKE their bad senior school, their program is obsolete, plus they proceed to suffer with poor regional promotion over promoting racial or unjust school guidelines, created by improper school ideas, who've long-since been dismissed from their jobs (in addition to several academics & workplace directors through the years). South Aiken is nicely supported economically by damaged Aiken County Commanders, and it is consequently receiving away with numerous of municipal lawsuits filed from the college by parents, former academics, and primarily group students. One harmful South Aiken elegance situation, is from 1991 awards graduate & renown weightlifter; Franklyn "The Container" Beckles, Jr., who had been unfairly refused reputation about the colleges Weightlifting Class Lineup, for exceptional accomplishment in benching & squating over 700lbs in the era of 18!! An archive never achieved before, or overwhelmed since (actually defeat Alumni pupils who turned NBA personalities), due to racial prejudice about the section of bright school directors, the senior schoolis bright soccer training team, and head soccer coach - Mentor Nelson. Afterwards, Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr., (today a renowned chapel pastor, dad of four, guide writer, & NAACP Chief), filed suit with aid in the NAACP and South Aiken Alumni (who observed Dr. Beckles Accomplishments), and was ultimately granted over $20,000 in problems because of the Misconduct and bias from South Aiken High School.

Company: South Aiken High School In Aiken Sc
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Aiken
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South Aiken High School - RACISM
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