Ripoff Bad company records and info

Business & Finance

Homecomings is a big company, However they don't seem to know which foot is the left or right. I have had forced Insurance put on my propertty and have ins from day one. Sent in proof over and over, no results.

I have a web sight on Homecomings to contact them for info and help with my accounts, I recieved a e-amil back last year stating they had "waved my november payment due to there System failure" (to get it on the direct back draft). So I took them at there word, But I have now a problem, They have reported me to Credit Bureau's as 60 days late and 30 days late. On a pay progam I pay every month regular payments plus extra for a late payment, they do not tell credit Bureau's the payments are paid timely they tell them I am late, and there error caused the biggest share of the problem, I Also had them try to take two payments out of my account in one month and the money was not there, they charged me for the draft not going thru and they already had the money a few days before they tried to take it from my bank a second time,

One month They took out Two payments, So the next month I did not have the funds to pay again. (There again there fault). So no payment made that month & they called it past due to Credit Bureau. Now I am trying to get the company to hold up to the written proof I have in hand of there mistake back in November and they need to correct it. So far have gotten no where, Was told by one employee they don't wave payments, well I have written proof they were going to wave the Nov. 2003 payment. I want this done I want it done now and the credit cleared by Homecomings it is killing my credit.

Company: Homecomings
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO BOX 650515
Phone: 8002062901
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Homecomings Financial
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Homecomings Financial
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Homecomings Financial