Logistic Works
Logic Works Get bullied, Lied to, have them Lie to others for Hardship claims, and charge you 900 for it!

Business & Finance

The Company Logistic Works Lied and verbally intimidated the client into participating in an activity they didnt wish to continue in. The Company then misrepresented the details previous forced out from the client to falsely receive hardship cases from creditors Then proceed to charge a $900 fee for which no other form of payment except a direct ACH link to checking could be used (very interesting)... Credit Card payment was another $300 in service fees

After 60 seconds on the phone they said there is no backing out. That your locked in. (another lie). While Bringing clients to tears, they actively lie to your credit card companies about earnings and financial standings to get services credit cards already offer. And then charge you outrageous out of pocket fees that MUST be paid through your checking account via ACH transfer ONLY. How very fraud like.

The Lesson: Always get first and last names.

Company: Logistic Works
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Valley Cottage
Address: 616 Corporate Way Suite 2
Phone: 8778685460
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