Blue World Pools

Business & Finance

This is really a supplement greater than a criticism concerning the wonderful customer support and follow up treatment we obtained from Blue Planet Pools and just how pleased my loved ones and that I are with this purchase.

Yes, the first price appeared incredible however the salesman caused us to obtain a really inexpensive cost for the aboveground swimming. The specialist turned up promptly and completed on-schedule with little to no harm to our lawn. The installation team was really skilled and make sure that we understood just how to take care of our swimming before they quit our house.

There have been ZERO shocks using the funding and installment; the sales team was really in advance concerning the price we'd get for that preliminary price and were really correct in an expense estimation for just how much our electrical bill might improve using the swimming.

After twelve months, my loved ones and that I are TOTALLY pleased with the sales experience. We actually named Blue Globe several times with complex concerns. I usually obtained a quick response and great suggestions about taking care of our swimming. We have a much a lot more decades of satisfaction with this swimming. Within this period of decreasing price for my bucks, bad customer support and follow up and also the variety of fraud artists, coping with the experts at Blue Globe pools is a benefit.

Company: Blue World Pools
Country: USA
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Blue World Pools

Blue World Pools

Blue World Pools
New swimming pool

Blue World Pools
Swimming pools

Blue World Pools

Blue World Pools
Love my New Pool

Blue World Pools
Aboveground pool

Blue World Pools
Great customer service

Blue World Pools
Blue world pools

Blue World Pools
Poor installing