Data Line Credit Corporation
Data Line Credit Corporation utilizes Illegal collection practices

Business & Finance

I had my Credit Reports pulled in order to refinance my home. I discovered that there was a collection item from Data Line Credit Corp. On there in the amount of $1200. The collection was from a company called Towing Express. I did not recognize any account with towing express because I have never had a car towed for any reason.

Therefore I called Data Line and spoke to a reperesentative named Norm Rogers. He was extremely rude to me. I tried to explain to him that there must have been a mistake on the credit report. The representative then called me a "liar" and "irresponsible."

I reminded him that under federal law and the FCRA of 1996 that I was entitled to a Validation of Debt. The representative then called me "smarty pants" and he said "if you know the law so well find out the information for yourself." Then he hung up the phone on me.

Company: Data Line Credit Corporation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Huntington Beach
Address: 18652 Florida Street, Suite 105
Phone: 7148415151
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Data Line Credit Corp
Ripoff placing fradulant information on my credit report refuse to give particulars on the creditor in which they say I owe cursed at me

Data Line Credit Corp

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Data Line Credit
Unethical business practicesl criminal collection activity

Data Line Credit Corp
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Data Line Credit Corporation
Norm Rodgers Account was paid if full, 1 year later reports account key derogatory

Data Line Credit Corp

Data Line Credit Corp
False collection on my credit for $4,912 from Security Towing