Investment intelligence corporation pty, global forex management, IB capital LP (NZ), senen Pousa, Joel friant, sanook international inc Managed forex trading fund fraud and scam Brisbane

Business & Finance

This was a complicated scam that involves a number of individuals and companies from around the world from Australia and New Zealand to America.

In short we were enticed to invest money with a company called investment intelligence corporation, aka Prophetmax and they would use their team of amazing traders to produce profits of 250% a year so you could earn a very good passive income.

I was introduced to this company by a company based in America, Texas, called the elevation group. As a member of that group they advised us that they had carried out substantial due diligence and even travelled to Australia to meet the mastermind behind the alleged scheme. I do not believe they play a part in the scam and they have filed a class action lawsuit against Prophetmax and senen Pousa in Texas.

I admit I tried to due some checking but nothing really came up and I invested a sizeable amount. Along with quite a lot of others I believe. The webinar that got you hooked on this investment had 12,000 viewers so goodness only knows how many people signed up.

On joining Prophetmax you Had to may a membership fee, which I was led to believe was for the privilege of having your funds traded by the experts, this service was called managed FX, there was also another service called quant which I also paid for, this was a trading platform you managed yourself with their guidance, Laura Curley was the name of the lady in charge of this. I never put money into this.

Once you had paid your fees you then had to spend quite a few weeks going through their website working on different personal finance things, this included such things as a vision board and there were also live weekly meetings, called gatherings, that you listened to, and in effect got brain washed!

Once you had completed all the levels required, you were then allowed to deposit your funds! Now this is where it got a bit weird, and as a legally trained person, I should have known. We had to sign documents stating that we would not on any account contact the company who were the brokers, this company is or was called IB capital and seemed to be regulated and based in New Zealand.

They gave the reason that this company usually only accepted clients who were depositing money in the millions and not two bit investors like us, the minimum we could invest was $10,000 AUD, this was the amount you had to invest and obviously there was no maximum.

It was actually very difficult to understand who was doing what and who was actually trading. I believed that Prophetmax was trading with their alleged expert team of traders, but it turned out that a company based in America called Global Forex management headed by a Kevin Clarke, were doing the trading. We had signed a limited power of attorney at the start of the process but it had sighted Prophetmax not global forex management.

My account was up and running by April this year and in the first month it appeared to be doing quite well, up about 1600. We were able to see the trades via metatrader, allegedly in real time. We were told that the risk % was only 1-3% on each trade. There were only a few trades in April but then on 16th May, something seemed to go very awry and over 200 trades were made in one day, not something that seemed humanly possible, trading did not stop it carried on until 17 th may with many, many losing trades, at one point over this period, my account was up a huge amount, but then there were a huge amount of losing trades and I personally lost approx 33% of the account.

If your account was in US or Australian dollars the losses were reported at approx 65%. Sterling and euros lost approx 33%.

I was in shock, I felt there had to have been some sort of mistake, that this would all be put right, surely there was a mechanical error. I waited for an explanation from Prophetmax, sure that it was just an error. I was right we were told it was an error but a human one, and not rectifiable. Via one of the infamous gatherings we were told by senen Pousa and Kevin Clarke, that Kevin had made a mistake, he had entered 200 instead of 20, to rectify his mistake he kept trading trying to recoup back what he had lost. Well this is their story, not a plausible one and probably a lie.

We were even asked to put more money in to try and get the money back quicker. Trading ceased from that moment on and as far as i am aware has never started again.

We didn't remove our funds from IB capital instantly and waited for information, nothing was forthcoming and then out of the blue IB Capital emailed to request that we withdraw our funds immediately and close our accounts. Prophetmax responded by asking us to hold on 72 hrs whilst they tried to sort out the situation, they never did sort it out and never advised us what to do. We withdrew our funds eventually and the account was closed.

It came to light last week that IB capital have now deregistered in New Zealand in the hope of setting up in Europe, so be aware if you hear of this company, do not any account give them any money. On another point when we wired money to IB capital it went to a bank in the Netherlands called ING, this was another red flag I should have noticed.

It has also just come to light that investment intelligence corporation aka Prophetmax aka senen Pousa will be in court tomorrow being prosecuted by the Australian Securities and Investments commission.

I want people to know about this, so this terrible thing doesn't happen to anyone else. It is easy to get sucked in on this too good to be true investment scheme, especially in today's economic climate. People like this should feel the full brunt of the law. What they have done is despicable.

I have mentioned someone called Joel friant as he was sold as the customer support person for managed fx, and he was a major player in the webinar on how to put your UK pension in to this scheme too, luckily I didn't but I very nearly did. I mention him as I have found a very troubling website called sanook, this site looks exactly the same as the site that investment intelligence corporation had, please note the IIC website is no longer on the web. So if you come across this do not give your money away, as that is what you will be doing, all the promises on that site are identical to what I subscribed to with Prophetmax.

Please learn from my mistake and the many others and do not fall for these too good to be true investments, as that is all they are. My money has been stolen, pure and simple, if this stops just one person from being conned I will have achieved something.

Sorry for the long report but it is a complicated and convoluted scam, which I guess is what they wanted.

Company: Prophetmax
Country: USA
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