ACS Incorporation
Sent me an e-mail saying I was going to court for over 4000 dollars if I did Pay them 878.00 right away

Business & Finance

I opened an e-mail from this organization and they said I was going to court in four days, I need to contact them and make arrangements to pay back $888. No address, said they have my ssn and are getting the fbi involve.

Company: ACS Incorporation
Country: USA
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Acs incorporation
Email me and said i had 48 hours to pay 945.67 dollars and if not it would turn into 4000.00 and they would take me to court

ACS Incorporation
An eamil from this company stated: "You are going to be legally prosecuted in the Court House within couple of days, " & that I was being charged with 4 different Federal Crimes!

Legal Zoom
Lost ENTIRE package in mail and now personal info isn't so personal - Articles of incorporation

Tasc inc
Tasc incorporation this so call loan company saying i owe them 920.00 of a loan i never recieved or apply for so they keep calling about this money that i dont have an acknowledge of and when i tired to call the number newyork city

ACS Incorporation
They said they had a lawsuit and had tried to call and sent mail to me and I owed them$782.33

One Magnificent Model Incorporation
Consumer Report

Tasc Incorporation
Jack Newton False accusations, Liars, Thieves

One magnigicent model incorporation
Consumer Report

Legalacs Incorporation
James, alfonso and a few more. They will call my job many times and my cell phone and threaten me to be picked up by police and thrown in jail and to be sued in court. And to have my lawyer contact them or "all I can say, Is good

Philip E. Mazur