Digital River Int Luxembourg
I had been charged for nothing

Business & Finance

I had been billed for anything I've no idea what it's. Please repair it today. It had been my walmart cash card. I want it back again to spend my expenses

Company: Digital River Int Luxembourg
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Digital River Int Luxembourg
Unauthorized charges

Digital River
Following up on my very poor experience with Digital River in ordering a Nuance product. Two calls to "Customer Service" have still not resulted in getting me the promised numbers/address to send back

Digital river luxembourg
Unauthorized Charge/Fraud

Digital River Int Luxembourg
Unauthorized Charges

Digital River
Regnow digital river! Rip-off! With foreign non technical support! STOP BUYING —will lose your computer

Symantek/Digital River
Unauthorized debit card charges

Digital River
Nuance Billed me even after I told them I did not want to go through with the purchase and after they had quietly doubled the price

Digital River Gmbh
Unauthorized Access to PayPal Account

Swreg-Dri*swreg-digital River
Digital Riverswreg-Dri

Digital river int luxembourg
Consumer Report