Midwest preperation service
My financial solution rip off, scam, un-trust wirthey

Business & Finance

Tony Aprahamian and Aric Sangchat are two young businessmen who don't care about anything or anybody, they will do what ever it takes to make a doller and they don't care who they hurt in the process they are bottom feeders of the Mortgage industry. They Started out working together at auto one warente company once this company closed down a burn them on their paychecks they desided to do the same thing.

They first started out with a Company Named My financial Solution located in santa ana CA they ran this company into the ground probly taking serveral homeowners down with them. Then they opened Midwest preperation services also in Santa ana ca although used a different physical address.

On the surface this company seems in the up and up but they were rotting from the inside out. And they help some people get their Mods but more people got screwed then Helped. The bad mangement or lack their of caused a company payroll account to be frozen up with 60k in it.

Now this account came unfrozen 5/19 on 5/8 they fired their entire staff of screeners, underwriters, and processers without paying them. They did however give their staff bad checks from a US Bank account, and once their employees called asking about there money they made up some bs story saying " there was a problem transfering funds into the account give us a cupple of days" mean wile they are packing up and moving their office equipment out of the building they occupied.

So on 5/19 Aric Sangchat went to Mexico with his girlfirend (1 friend unknown). They event so far as to post a picture of them on the plane with a caption "catch us if you can". On the internet. Tony Aprahamian will not answer his phone at all but was able to post on facebook he was in Hollywood ca geting tatoo. So they basicly Burned 10 employee's and unknown number homeowners

Company: Midwest preperation service
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa ana
Address: 92 Corporate Park Suite 742 Irvine CA, 92606
Phone: 7145617287
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