Genworth Mortgage
Reverse Mortgage company takes 4 months to qualify elderly couple for reverse mortgage, then turns them down for no reason

Business & Finance

This California company had our property surveyed twice, then subdivided and re-surveyed to exclude a small portion on which a mobile home was located, tried to say our legal septic tank was too close to a well that we had to prove was only for outside irrigation, had FHA appraisers come out two separate times for no reason, required a separate filing of the survey of the smaller area which will cause us to pay increased taxes from now on, went through all kinds of other ridiculous procedures which Texas lawyers told them were not only unnecessary but not possible in the State of Texas.
We know that we qualified for the mortgage, for the FHA insurance, and in every other way. At the last minute when we were to be given a closing date and time, we were advised that they were afraid that at some point in the unknown future, the FHA might decide they might not be able to insure a reverse mortgage on our property.
In the first place it was undervalued by nearly the second place, we needed to pay off debts that were accumulating penalties and interest and we wasted four months on the third place we were lied to, mislead, and put off for no reason. And from now on we will have to pay taxes on two separate properties which were perfectly legal as a single property with taxes frozen due to our age.
If anyone has any further suggestions as to how we can deal with this company's treatment of us, please advise.

Company: Genworth Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rancho Cordova
Address: 10951 White Rock Road suite 200
Phone: 8002181415
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