George Grafas

Business & Finance

Administrative proceeding before the securities commissioner of maryland in the matter of: * case no. 0320
george grafas *
respondent. *

* * *
CONSENT ORDER WHEREAS, the Securities Division of the Office of the Attorney General (the "Division") initiated an investigation into the activities of George Grafas (Respondent); and WHEREAS, the Maryland Securities Commissioner (the "Commissioner") has found that grounds exist to allege that Respondent violated the Maryland Securities Act, contained at Md. Code Ann., Corps. And Ass'ns, 11-101 et seq. (2007 Repl. Vol.) (the "Securities Act"), by engaging in acts or practices constituting violations of the Securities Act; and WHEREAS, before the holding of a hearing, without trial or final adjudication of any issue of fact or law, and prior to the issuance of a final order in this proceeding, the Securities Commissioner and Respondent have reached an agreement whereby Respondent, without admitting or denying the Statement of Facts and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained herein, consents to the terms of this Order:


Company: George Grafas
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Beach
Address: 1825 W Avenue Bay 8
Phone: 6462635965
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