Zai cargo
Horrible service

Business & Finance

They're terrible. Please don't utilize their 'providers' because they will require your freight, your cash as well as your period, and they'll not provide the deals, and certainly will not provide you with any justification or clarification. Plus, once you spend and signal the documents for the bundle to be delivered... They dont actually reply the telephone whenever you call them

Company: Zai cargo
Country: USA
State: California
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Worst service!

Zai cargo
Bad costumer service

Caribbean Cargo DC
Shipping crew

Delivery problems

Mystic Stamp Company
Fraudulant Business Practice

If they offer you a great deal I am most certain they will not honor it

United Parcel Service
Fraud and cheating

United Parcel Service
Packages intended for others delivered to my door, damaged packages delivered

United Parcel Service
The package wasn't delivered until over a week late

Late deliveries