Lease Finance Corp LLC
Jason Ortega Used Retriever of Teaxs to send out sales rep. To lie to get name on forms, promised to only pay $550.00 for equipment

Business & Finance

A sales Rep. From Retriever Payment System in Lewisville, Tx came to my Studio to talk about me accepting credit cards to increase business. He made me two offers, purchase equipment or lease equipment. I chose purchase, he gave me a discounted price from $695.00 to $550.00 on one of his forms with equipment prices. He told me since I didn't have credit established with them, I would have to SIGN a lease to establish credit. At the end of 6 months call Jack at Retriever and he would change it form lease to purchase.

Half of the 6 payments would go toward the purchase and the other half go to interest. When I called this Jack he refused to do what sales rep. Promised and said you have a lease. They sent papers to National Processing and they took money from my bank account for a while, then Lease Finance Group started taking money out my account. After 3 years and $1350.00 later I closed my bank account to stop them ripping me off. Now they are threatening a civil action against me. Sales rep. Also said no statement fees, they started at $10.00, $17.95 then $34.95. Now they are threatening to ruin my credit if I don't pay them $721.35 more for the $550.00 equipment. I have gotten letter from New York and Chicago.

Company: Lease Finance Corp LLC
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 65 E Wacker
Phone: 8006835433
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Retriever Payment System
Lease Finance Group Sent out Sales Rep. To lie and offer one deal to get signature, but refuse that offer and charge for lease

National Processing Company/Retriever Payment Systems
NPC, Did not send my pin pad, claims they aren't responsible, that LFG is, but they did sign me up, can't get out of contract!

Lease Finance Group - Retriever Leasing
Non-cancellable lease ripoff

Retriever Aka Necourt Financial And Lease Finance Group
Falsified documents, consumer fraud

Lease Finance Group
Paying off for equipment never used

Lease Finance Group
Scarred my credit where I cannot get a home mortgage!

Lease Finance Group
Beware noncancellable lease and daily multiple phone calls and rudeness

CIT Lease Finance Group
Lease Finance Group A Division Of CT rip-off! Lease is for 4 years and I am 2 years into it and you can not return the equipment and without paying off the lease

Lease Finance Group LLC
LFG Lease - Lease Financial Group - Lease Finance Group Fraudulent sign for an equipment lease

Lease Finance Group LLC
Consumer Report