Edwin Carde Insurance
Edwin Gonzalez Carde, Edwin Carde Insurance Fraud

Business & Finance

Edwin Carde is a FRAUD and if youve happened to have the displeasure of working with him you will know exactly what Im saying when I warn others to STAY AWAY from this FRAUD. A quick search of the internet shows that this idiot claims to have knowledge of real estate investing yet he doesnt own his own home and drives around in a piece of $hit Sentra with different color doors and a missing fender. The dude apparently failed his ESL classes and speaks like hes still got a cack stuck in his mouth. I used to work with him and he was under investigation 3 times by the CA department of insurance for fraud due to the misappropriation of premiums paid by individuals and/or companies. He was found to be accepting payments from clients and instead of using them for their intended purpose, he was pocketing them for his own personal use.in one instance, a client of his filed a claim with what he thought was his insurer only to find out that HE WASNT COVERED and his supposed insurer had never heard of him.

Edwin Cardes fraudulent activities are not limited to stealing client premiums. He maneuvered his way clear of that particular fraud by claiming that he did in fact set up the policy (I know for a fact he didnt but I quit before it happened and didnt find out until it was over) and it was his home office who mishandled the account. The Home Office claimed otherwise and the Dept of Insurance was forced to step in and the broker who Carde was working under took the hit.in the end, they paid a fine, the consumer lost his business and all of his personal possessions and Carde was somehow allowed to leave to set up his own shop where he now has unlicensed individuals acting as insurance agents and is on the verge of being closed down.

He and his cohorts are currently peddling illegal business insurance that he isnt even licensed to sell as he is a Property/Casualty/Life Broker ONLY and is NOT licensed to operate in this arena. He is repeatedly missing payroll and being fined by the EDD and if the Dept of Insurance doesnt get him first, the EDD will shut him down soon. If you are seeking insurances options, there are so many insurance agents/brokers in the state of California DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS FRAUD EDWIN CARDE as it will only end up costing you money and very possibly your entire livelihood. Hes about as ignorant as they come and is proof that the licensing exam for insurance agents and brokers in California is a joke and requires only a remedial level of intelligence. Chump.

Company: Edwin Carde Insurance
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacarmento
Address: 650 Howe Ave
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