Wes Robinson
WRFG Holdings, Insurance Scam

Business & Finance

Mr Robinson is an insurance agent who is committing fraud and scamming other agents and brokers.

First of all he claims to have a resident license in Georgia. He does not have a residence or a business address anywhere in Georgia, and will eventually be investigated by the Georgia Insurance Commission and fined for committing fraud or have his license revoked.

Also he has been selling 'memberships' to other agents and companies for exclusive access to a group of companies that he claims to have. These companies are primarily based in the Cayman Islands and are either there in name only or don't exist. He claims to have purchased an insurance company in the Cayman Islands that will allow clients to get around some of the regulation in the US. This purchase never took place.

He is also claiming to have investment funding that will allow clients to fund their premiums. He does not have this funding and although he is attempting to get it from Hong Kong it's highly doubtful it will ever happen.

He is accepting money from agents to purchase Life Expectancy reports and not ordering the reports. The money is instead being used as cash flow to support either personal use or travel and other related expenses.

Company: Wes Robinson
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 137 South St, Boston MA
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