Equity One, Inc
EQUITY ONE: Has No Respect For their Customers Privacy!

Business & Finance

I have been an Equity One customer for 3 years. Have had 2 loans in that time, one of which was paid off in June. My other loan is on my boat, which except for one time I have always made my payments. The only time I did'nt I was only 45 days late, JUST ONCE!!!

Recently I have had a family illness which has strained me financially and could only make a partial November payment. The payment is $167 and I paid $90 and asked the manager over the phone to "give me a couple of weeks to pay the rest. He said that was fine. About ten days latter, I was at work and my mother had stopped my house. While she was there the manager called my house and my mother picked it up.

This Equity One manager told my mother that he was coming to get the boat and had her upset. When I got home she told me and I was furious. I called him and told him that he had no business telling my mother that, and that I knew he could not come get my boat. He had never sent me a certified right to cure letter or anything. Our conversation was long and he said "I most certainly can reposes your boat today" and told me that the $90 dollars I owed him only 20 days over due was enough for reposesion. I disputted and then hung up.

A couple of hours latter my ex-girfriend calls and said someone from Equity One had told her about the situation. Two days latter I received a right to cure letter stating that unless I make the partial payment and one full payment they would repsess my boat on 1/8/02. Today is 1/07/02, we will see. I will update my status ASAP!!! Equity One has no respect for a persons finacial privacy or personal privacy. Considering laywer consoltation at the time of this writting!!!

Company: Equity One, Inc
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Conway
Address: 610 Church Street
Phone: 8434883730
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