Direct Cards
Ripoff $2 per circular envelope & they say pay checks mailed out every week

Business & Finance

Glad that i check out here about direct cards. So i won't lost my $46 now. They give a great promise telling you can get $2 per circular envelop. It's easy! It seem that's wonderful for me as i am searching a part time job. Now i will not lose my money.
Thank you consumer complaints!

Company: Direct Cards
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: P.o. box 830128
  <     >  


Direct Cards, Inc
Direct Cards ripoff Work at Home Scams Thank YOu complaint

Direct Cards
Nothing because of consumer complaints thank you

Direct Cards
Ripoff! Work at home scam

Direct Cards
Work at home ripoff, Processing Mail At Home, Sounds to good to be true because it is

Direct Cards
Direct Cards sent offer to Work At Home in mail

Direct Cards

Cards Direct
Ripoff robbery and shame to free market enterpriseWork at Home Scam

Direct Cards
Inc. Aka Direct Cards Bogus offer of employment. Work at home rip-off!

Direct Cards
SR And Associates Almost deceived!

Direct Cards
I also received the famous yellow letter from direct cards i'm so glad i searched the internet thank you for this web site