Stephen Ching, Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel. LLP
In relation to fraud crimes relating to Littman and associates

Business & Finance

I am an investor and i have been keeping an eye on the occurrences lately in the industry. We have made note of different lawyers working in connection together involved in fraud. We do not acquire the resources to pay lawyer fees, as we have been there done that and have learned that half the fees you pay are not necessary at the end of the day. There are short cuts, and other ways of going about it, as long as you are educated and aware.

As we have been closely keeping an eye on the occurrences and lawyers in the industry we have made note of a few. For instance the following individual;

Stephen Ching was working for a large firm known as Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel. Llp. With his credentials, including a well respected degree from Harvard, we automatically assumed he was legit, and someone to be trusted. We knew better though, and made certain to investigate further before we continued with any business venture. It soon came to our knowledge that not only was Mr. Stephen Ching an adviser of the company TPID, who was in charge of all the finances, and filings in regards to the SEC, during the time that a HUGE SCAM OCCURRED, but also he was a defendant in the Federal courts in a fraud case regarding TPID.

We are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars obtained by innocent investors, that were deposited in to trust funds, in good faith. None of the above occurred. The money vanished completely, and due to the fact that the investors lent such a large sum of money, a foreclosure had been put on their property. They suffered major losses because they had no funds for the property, and as the funds had virtually "vanished" during the transfer and deposit to TPID (in which Stephan Ching was in control of all transfers, and had the knowledge of the location of the funds in regards to the investment) they could not pay the fees they owed.

When Ching was confronted about the where "abouts" of the funds, Stephen Ching attempted to take all of the responsibility off of himself. He claimed he had no knowledge, and that someone else was in charge of TPID's over all finances. This was completely ridiculous, as money does not just vanish into thin air. Reports were filed to the authorities (FBI, RCMP, SEC, and the State Bar of Pennsylvania).

The reasoning of this post is only to educate and advise those who are serious investors and take pride in their business ventures, to not only NOT use the services of Stephen Ching, but his firm " Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel, LLp) as well.

Company: Stephen Ching, Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel. LLP
Country: USA
State: California
City: Marina Del Ray
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