Elavon Merchant services
Amy Skeen This company Holds funds for 290 days for processing to large of a transaction... Huh?

Business & Finance

This company held our funds of $40,000 in Visa And MC payments for 1 month because a customer paid with Visa and the transaction of $3000.00 was too big! Huh? They are a complete scam. Stay away from these CROOKS. We left fifty messages with Amy Skeen the loss prevention manager with no returned phone call, and were told after 1 month she would release our funds in good faith... Hahaha. Thanks for the good faith release of OUR money! Stay away from elavon mechant services!

Company: Elavon Merchant services
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Knoxville
Site: elavon.com
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Elavon Merchant Services
Do not trust Elavon Merchant Services

Elavon Merchant Services - NOVA Information Systems
Scam pci fee

Elavon Merchant Services
Merchant warning!

Elavon Merchant Services - NOVA Information Systems
Huge account termination fee

Elavon Merchant Services - NOVA Information Systems
Elavon WARNING To All Merchants - Will take money without cause from your bank account! DO NOT TRUST ELAVON to look out for your interests!

Flagship Merchant Services/Linkpoint Central
Flagship Merchant Services Fraudulently removed funds from our business bank account

Elavon Merchant Services - NOVA Information Systems
Elavon murchant service charge cancellation fees, and add additional charges every year late

Elavon, Nova
Elavon, Nova Elavon, Nova Merchant services

Elavon Aka Nova Information Systems
Deceptive contract and illegal withdrew fund from bank account

Visa - Vanilla Gift cards
Rude and not helpful