500 Ripoff Daily Harrassment by Cashnet or Cashnet500

Business & Finance

This company has harrassed me daily at work as well as calling everyone associated with the University that I work for. The character calling me is Chris Marshall who leaves messages in a "singsong" voice that you can run but you can't hide! Thanks to this jerk I got three days suspended because after calling me at my office he constantly called the President's office. It has been a nightmare! Three days unpaid is not going to help me get them paid faster!


Company: Cashnet
Country: USA
Phone: 8006547444845
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Cashnet and Thomas Karwin
Do not pay them a dime! It is a scam

Ripoff Cashnet stold my money

Law Firm, On behalf of Cashnet Bank
Law Firm from New York They called me, my co-workers, my work work phone claiming I had a defaulted loan from Cashnet Bank

Steve Johnson - Cashnet Bank
Comsteve Johnson - Cashnet Bank They had me so scared and without any hope for recovery

U.S. cashnet
Harrassing me for 2 months saying i owe them momey and ill be arrested they also called my boss 6 times

Cashnet500 Cashnet Ripoff Didn't Accept Certified Letter Elkins Park Pennsylvania


Cashnet, American Legal
Leaving threatening messages and harassing people at work, giving out personal information

Big Scam, Watch Out.internet

CashNet USA
Received call from a man from phone #: Took large sums of money from my former bank account after loan was paid off. I had to close the account altogether