Precision Credit Group
Ryan Keip Lied to us and decieved us about things he was doing to help clean up our credit report

Business & Finance

My husband and I were reffered to Precision Credit Group via our realtor to help clean up our credit and get us ready to purchase a home. We paid the fee of $180 and after a year of working with Ryan Keip, our credit scores have not changed.

Recently over the last 6 months, he has become extremely difficult to get a hold of. He rarely returns my phone calls and emails, and when he did, he told me that he had removed some accounts off our credit report. Recently he told us that he had settled one of our debts to the amount of $3,600.

After meeting with a mortgage lender and having our credit pulled again, we were told that nothing had been removed off our report, and that there was no settlement arranged for the previous stated debt. Our credit scores had not changed from what they were a year ago when we started working with Ryan.

I feel he has lied to us the whole time about things he has been doing to our credit. I do not trust him and I don't feel that this person should have access to our personal information anymore. I feel that if I would have given him the $3,600 he asked for to settle a debt, he would have pocketed it, and we would have never heard from him again.

Company: Precision Credit Group
Country: USA
Phone: 9495296856
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