Farm Bureau General Insurance
My wife was hit by a drunk driver head on (14 years ago) (combined speed of 150mph!) her vehicle rolled several times, she suffered severe bodily damage to pretty much her entire body

Business & Finance

Farm Bureau has been defiant since day one and has made it very difficult for my wife to get her medical care taken care of. Michigan has "lifetime" medical benefits for auto accidents first of all. The problem comes when something that is supposed to be covered by the auto insurance is denied on records that THEY HAVE LOST or misplaced (or possibly destroyed INTENTIONALLY).

My wife had been seeing a chiropractor and a massage therapist due to the amount of damage done to her neck and back in the auto accident. She had some medical issues (also related to the auto accident) that prevented her from continuing with these 2 services for a time. When she went to return to continue with chiropractic care and massage therapy to help with her pain level they sent a denial letter not once but on each and every request to return back to these services. They claimed that their records showed that she had not been in either one of these services for as long as we had claimed, as well as had documentation - and copies of prior bills - showing them as the payee.

Company: Farm Bureau General Insurance
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Lansing
Address: 7373 W. Saginaw Hwy
Phone: 8002922680
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Dr. Kenneth W. Distler, MD
This Doctor works as an IME for the Insurance companies and LIES for them!

State Farm Insurance, State Farm Fire And Casualty
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MetLife Auto Insurance
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Farm Bureau Financial Services
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State Farm Insurance
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Farm Bureau Insurance
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