Williams Online Credit
Williams Online Credit

Business & Finance

This company pretends to be a short term online lender. However, there are actually in the business of charging you a $19.00 "Processing Fee" without giving you a loan. Because you voluntarily give them your account information (on the premise that they are going to be depositing money INTO your account) the bank cannot reverse the charge. Again, they take your information after leading you to believe that you have been approved for a loan by their company. To date, they have over 300 complaints (since October) totaling over $900,000 in damages. Because the amount is so small most people just take their lumps. Afterall, how much time is an individual going to waste on getting scammed for $19.00? However, take that number and times it by hundreds, if not, thousands in a day, and you're looking at a million dollar a year scam!

Company: Williams Online Credit
Country: USA
Phone: 3025264051
Site: williamsonlinecredit.com
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Williams online credit
I applied for a load and williams online somehow got my personal information and now is attemping to take $ 19 plus 25 if return

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report

Williams online credit
The company charged my bank account for a loan and they never deposited the money in my account

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report