Life Insurance Company of the Southwest Warning! Do Not take out an insurance policy, surrender charge means you're giving them YOUR money

Business & Finance

I'm not getting into a Rant here but just wanted to warn other not to get involved with LAW. First and foremost, you're stuck! For 15 years to be exact. During which, if you accrue several thousand dollars, in this case 1,500 that, I wanted to cancel the policy due to lack of courteous and professional service. But I've been a customer since 2004. I don't know who's my service agent nor have I received ANY information pertaining to my account since 2006 or so. Which over these years I've been so busy with work, my health and family to worry about this. This all came about today when I thought cancelling this policy was the best since, LSW has such outstanding customer service.

Point being, be careful. Most insurance companies are out to make money, they are not out to pay off on your policy. But LSW does have a surrender penalty, basically put, you want to get out before your 15 years? Then we take your money for free. This policy was taken out in case Iwere to die, my wife can pay off this condo and not lose it. But we intend to move as soon as the veterans affairs renders it's decision on my disability claim anyway.

Company: Lsw
Country: USA
State: Vermont
City: Montpelier
Address: one national life drive, Montpelier, VT 05604
Phone: 8007328939
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